Two Swedish citizens spied for Russia: one of them had access to important data - ForumDaily
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Two Swedish citizens spied for Russia: one of them had access to sensitive data

In Sweden the court found the former employee of the special services and the armed forces, as well as his younger brother, guilty of spying for the Russian foreign military intelligence. They have been doing this for 10 years. The edition told in more detail Voice of America.

Photo: IStock

42-year-old Swedish citizen Peiman Kia and 35-year-old Payam Kia were detained in 2022. They plead not guilty and deny all accusations.

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“The brothers, jointly and by agreement, without permission and for the purpose of assisting Russia and the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), acquired, transferred and shared information, the disclosure of which to a foreign power could harm the security of Sweden,” the Stockholm District Court said in a statement.

Both brothers were convicted of espionage under aggravated circumstances, and Peyman, among other things, was found guilty of unauthorized handling of classified information.

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The court sentenced the older brother to life imprisonment, and the younger brother to 9 years and 10 months.

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