Cancer due to weed money: in the USA, the court ordered the company to pay $ 2 billion to the pair
A court in the United States ordered Bayer, a German pharmaceutical company, to pay more than 2 billion to an American couple who claimed they had cancer because of weed money.
A jury in California ruled that Bayer was behaving carelessly, without warning consumers that products containing glyphosate could be dangerous to health, writes Air force.
Bayer denies the charges. The German company claims that the Roundup tool, which was discussed in the lawsuit, is safe to use.
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Spouses Elva and Alberta Piliod filed a lawsuit against the American company Monsanto, which produced the herbicide, claiming that they had developed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma because of contact with him. Bayer bought Monsanto last year for 63 billion dollars.
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This is the third a similar decision concerning the Roundup weed containing glyphosate. Total in usa filed hundreds similar claims.
In March, a San Francisco court awarded 80 million to another Californian Edwin Hardman, and in August last year the court decided to pay 289 million dollars to gardener DeWayne Johnson of California.
The couple's lawyers called the court's decision "historic."
"The jury could see for itself that the company's documents showed that Monsanto had no intention of finding out whether Roundup was safe to begin with," says attorney Brent Wisner.
Bayer said they disagree with the decision of the court and intend to appeal it. According to the German company, research in recent years has shown that glyphosate is safe to use. In the US, more 13 400 similar claims have been filed due to the alleged association of herbicide use and cancer.
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Glyphosate was developed by Monsanto in 1970, and since then has been very popular in the United States and in the world.
In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and the WHO Cancer Agency concluded that the substance is "probably carcinogenic to humans."
At the same time, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to insist that glyphosate is safe when used carefully.
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