Alexei Navalny's Daughter Works at Kamala Harris' Campaign Headquarters in Pennsylvania - ForumDaily
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Alexei Navalny's Daughter Works for Kamala Harris' Campaign in Pennsylvania

Four months after her father died in a Russian prison, 23-year-old Dasha Navalnaya graduated from Stanford University. She had been studying social psychology and political science since 2019. According to LinkedIn account, since August Dasha Navalnaya has been a full-time manager of Harris' campaign team in Philadelphia, writes The Times.

Photo: 1take1shot |

Navalnaya's job description on LinkedIn lists voter mobilization and public outreach, but she has made no public statements in support of Harris.

Harris leads the state by a narrow margin in polls, and the results in Pennsylvania, which has the most electoral votes of any swing state, could be decisive in this year's presidential election.

Navalnaya's participation in the American presidential campaign gives reason to believe that she is earning political points in preparation for a possible role in Russian opposition politics.

Navalny, President Putin's biggest domestic critic, served 30 years on politically motivated charges and died in the brutal Polar Wolf prison on February 16, 2024. Officials blamed poor health for his death. But leaked documents published last month by the opposition website The Insider suggest he was poisoned.

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It should be said that the penal colony for prisoners convicted of especially serious crimes, located beyond the Arctic Circle, was given the romantic nickname Polar Wolf exclusively by Western media. In Russia, it is called more simply - IK-6 in Melekhovo. The prison is known for its extremely harsh conditions: polar climate, strict restrictions for prisoners, minimal contact with the outside world.

Shortly after Alexei Navalny's death, US President Joe Biden met with Dasha and her mother Yulia Navalnaya at the White House to offer his condolences. He said there was "no doubt" that Putin was to blame for Navalny's death, while Republican nominee Donald Trump is not sure Putin was involved. Yulia Navalnaya, among others, spoke with Kamala Harris in August of this year. Dasha joined Harris's campaign team at the time.

She called her father her “superhero” and a source of inspiration. On her birthday last month, Dasha posted a smiling photo on the social network X and wrote: “This is my first birthday without a greeting or a letter from my dad. It’s hard without him. But because it’s hard, I want to show the ghouls in the Kremlin even more that I won’t give up. And you, don’t give up — smile and fight!”

In 2020, Navalny said Dasha had been given funds to study at Stanford, and that he and his wife were only covering her accommodation and food costs.

It is clear from open sources that Dasha Navalnaya did indeed receive financial assistance to study at Stanford from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, which provides grants to students from different countries based on their academic achievements and financial need.

The Michael and Susan Dell Family Foundation, founded in 1999, is a charitable organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income families and children. The foundation's main areas of work are education, healthcare, and the fight against poverty. The foundation provides financial assistance to students, supports educational programs, develops infrastructure in schools, and helps improve healthcare systems. In particular, it provides scholarships to students to study at prestigious universities such as Stanford.

Why did Navalny's daughter end up among the "low-income"? The fact is that the foundation allocates scholarships based on complex criteria that take into account not only financial status, but also other aspects, such as activity, leadership qualities, achievements and contribution to society.

The Navalny family's official finances are a subject of debate, especially in light of Alexei Navalny's political activities. The exact figures for the Navalny family's income are not always public, but they have declared fairly modest incomes. The Navalny family claims that their financial situation has been worsened by lawsuits and asset seizures.

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The Kremlin has claimed that Navalny was a CIA agent, but has provided no evidence to support the claim. Russian state propaganda regularly accuses Putin’s critics of having ties to Western intelligence agencies. The opposition leader survived a near-fatal poisoning with the nerve agent Novichok in 2020. He returned to Russia from Germany the following year and was immediately arrested.

During one of Yulia Navalnaya’s visits to her husband in a correctional labor camp, Alexei shared with her his suspicions that he would die behind bars.

“I think there’s a good chance I’ll never get out of here. Even if everything starts to fall apart, they’ll kill me at the first sign of collapse. They’ll poison me,” he said at the time, according to an excerpt from his memoir, “Patriot,” published by the New Yorker. Yulia, who lives in exile in Europe, has vowed to continue Navalny’s work to topple Putin, the former KGB officer who has ruled Russia for nearly 25 years.

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