DNA Banks and the Doomsday Vault: How Scientists Prepare for the End of the World - ForumDaily
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DNA Banks and Doomsday Vault: How Scientists Prepare for the End of the World

Scientists seriously believe that human civilization may come to an end. According to the Global Catastrophes Institute, the chance that the world will go to hell by 2100 is 20%. He writes about it AdMe.ru.

Photo: Shutterstock

Doomsday scenario options weight - From a rebellion of artificial intelligence to a genetically modified virus. Therefore, biologists, astronomers and other specialists have come together in order to withstand all possible global disasters.

1. The Doomsday Vault has already been created, which will save the world from hunger

In the early 2000s, large countries decided tothat it would be nice to have a guaranteed storage of seeds, which will withstand both the nuclear apocalypse, and the invasion of aliens, and other possible options for the end of the world.

Now such a bank Yes: In the Svalbard global repository (Svalbard, Norway), at a depth of 130 meters under a layer of permafrost, hundreds of thousands of species of seeds are locked. Three times a year the bank opens its armored doors, and any country can deposit seed material.

2. Biologists come up with a frozen zoo

Over the past 500-600 years, humanity has put on the brink of extinction hundreds types of animals. So scientists had to build a kind of Noah's ark, only in test tubes.

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The San Diego Zoo (California) is the largest in the world collection from 10 samples of frozen cells of rare and endangered animals. Same work underway and in other countries. Theoretically, people will be able to “resurrect” the already disappeared Tasmanian wolves or even mammoths.

3. The state will be able to feed people for 2-3 months thanks to thrift

In the event of an apocalypse, people will first need food and water. And if everything is more or less clear with water - wells and sewage treatment plants will not let you die of thirst, then with food it is much more difficult. Theoretically, large states have a strategic supply of food - there are canned food, grain and freeze-dried packages for the first time. True, you still don’t have to feast. AT average wheat is stored in an amount that lasts only 60 days.

4 Geneticists Harvest And Store Human Bacteria So People Don't Get Sick

Millions of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms live in the human body, but their number is constantly decreasing due to climate change and the use of antibiotics. Biologists and geneticists collect and store samples of beneficial bacteria in special gene banks.

Now in the world there are 4 banks of DNA. The last and largest built in China - it will store 300 thousand samples of microbes, plants and human DNA. All this information is digitized and turn to the huge library. Sooner or later, using these data, people will learn to synthesize the DNA of animals and even humans.

5. Scientists figured out what to make food if the sun goes out

Scientists count them.that if a huge meteorite falls or one of super volcanoes The sun will hide behind clouds of dust and ash. Then grow wheat and vegetables from stored seeds will not work. Therefore, the lucky survivors of the apocalypse will not be able to eat, for example, a bun for at least 10 years.

Post-apocalyptic menu will very specific: mushrooms grown on fallen leaves, or cellulose processed with bacteria, as well as algae and marine reptiles.

6. Mathematicians have already calculated our chances for the case of zombie apocalypse

Scientists believe that the zombie apocalypse is unlikely to occur at all - there is no such virus / bacteria in the world that would make the dead roam the streets. However, among insects and even rats Yes real zombies - some parasites and infections change the behavior of the "host" in their own interests.

Scientists are building mathematical models for the spread of a wide variety of viruses. According to their calculations, rebels the dead would have destroyed most of humanity in just 9 months. On these projections, those who climb high into the mountains and master their self-defense skills are most likely to have.

7. Some states oblige people to dig bins.

In some countries, bomb shelters are a mandatory part of urban planning. For example, in Norway, all buildings with an area of ​​​​more than 1000 square meters. m have have your own refuge in the event of a disaster.

In Germany Yes bunkers for 3% of the population, in Austria - for 30%, in Sweden 81% will be saved, and in Switzerland there will be enough space even for guests - here 114% of the population will be provided with shelters. For those who prefer to spend Doomsday in comfort, build elite bunkers with pools, gyms and medical rooms. True, prices are just cosmic - from $ 200 thousand to $ 4,5 million.

8. The plot of the film “Armageddon” may be repeated, but experts have 2 solutions to the problem

Space Agency Specialists Around the World Seriously are preparing to the collision of the Earth with a meteorite. Today, there are 20 potential celestial bodies that could fall on the planet.

In Armageddon, Bruce Willis saved the planet from an asteroid at the cost of his life. Experts believe that it was possible to do without human casualties and launch a tactical nuclear warhead into a meteorite. But there is more real scenario: A spacecraft will be launched into space, which will slightly push or slow down the asteroid. Due to the changed speed, the celestial body will warm up with the Earth.

9. Some countries store vaccines for non-existent diseases

On According to World Health Organization (WHO), the risk of a global pandemic is higher than ever: a mutated influenza virus or other infections become so dangerous that they can spread around the world in some 36 hours.

However, in large states, in addition to food reserves, there is also bio stockwhere vaccines, medicines and antibiotics are for any occasion. Vaccines are stored here even for those diseases that humanity has long won (for example, smallpox). And this means that movies with crowded hospitals and other horrors are in reality impossible.

10. Bill Gates and Microsoft hid the source code of important applications in case of the end of the world

The computer giant Microsoft, too is being prepared towards the end of the world. The company took an abandoned coal mine in Svalbard near the seed store and placed the source codes for Windows, Linux, Android and 6 other applications there.

Codes inflicted on a special film that can be stored for up to 2000 years in permafrost conditions. They can be read without a computer with a magnifying glass.

11. Linguists write dying languages ​​for posterity

Under the influence of globalization, not only animals and plants disappear, but also entire nations. Linguists teamed up and created a project Rosettawhich will preserve dying languages ​​for future generations.

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Upon completion of the work, all collected material is engraved on a nickel disc, which can be stored for up to 10 years. Already, enthusiasts have collected 000 pages of text in 10 languages.

12. Biologist from New Zealand told where to run if the world comes to an end

New Zealand biologist Nick Wilson calculated the safety index in case of an apocalypse from a genetically modified virus. By counting Wilson, the virus will be so persistent and fast that only those who manage to get to New Zealand, Australia and Iceland (simply because they are all surrounded by water and sparsely populated) will have a chance of salvation.

Residents of Cuba, Fiji, Jamaica, Barbados, and Japan have slightly less chances. But they are also relatively safe. In the event of an epidemic in these countries, it will be possible to survive the end of the world.

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