US Extends Temporary Protected Status for Ukrainians - ForumDaily
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US Extends Temporary Protected Status for Ukrainians

US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) On January 10, he announced an 18-month extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ukrainian citizens. The extension is due to ongoing Russian aggression that prevents Ukrainian citizens from safely returning to their homeland.

Photo: Jonathan Weiss |

Following an analysis of the situation in Ukraine, it was determined that an 18-month extension of the TPS was justified due to the consequences of the escalation of Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the largest military conflict in Europe since World War II.

The invasion has caused a humanitarian crisis, with countless people forced to flee their homes and the destruction of civilian infrastructure leaving many without electricity or access to healthcare. These conditions make it unsafe for Ukrainian citizens and residents to return to Ukraine.

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The extension of TPS for Ukrainians will allow approximately 103 current TPS holders to re-register. This is only available to individuals who previously received temporary protected status under the Ukraine program. This category includes Ukrainian citizens and stateless persons whose last place of residence was in Ukraine and who have resided in the United States continuously since at least August 700, 16, or earlier, regardless of their current immigration status.

DHS understands that not all re-registered individuals will be able to obtain a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD) before their current document expires, so it is automatically extending previously issued documents for 12 months.

USCIS will continue to process applications submitted under the TPS program for Ukraine. Applicants whose Forms I-821 (Application for Temporary Protected Status or Extension) or I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) are already pending do not need to resubmit applications. If USCIS approves their I-821 application, TPS will be issued until October 19, 2026. Likewise, if their Form I-765 is approved, a new EAD will be issued valid until the same date.

A notice will soon appear in the Federal Register detailing the criteria, deadlines, and procedures required to re-register and renew an EAD.

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TPS is a temporary immigration status granted to citizens of certain countries who cannot safely return to their home countries due to armed conflict, natural disasters, or other extraordinary circumstances. TPS does not lead to permanent residency (a green card) or citizenship, although some countries have been using the program for decades.

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