US Work Permits Extended: Who Does This Affect - ForumDaily
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US Work Permits Extended: Who Affected

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has approved a new Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Rule that automatically extends work authorizations and related documents from 180 to 540 days for immigrants who apply for an EAD extension on time, reports USCIS official websitePreviously, such automatic extensions were introduced temporarily when the Immigration Service had too many applications to process them. This is now a permanent policy.

US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office

Photo: Photography

This solution is a response to requests from the business community.

The new rule reduces the likelihood that immigrants will be ineligible to work in the United States while USCIS processes their requests to extend their permits. This is also in the interests of American employers.

The rule will come into effect on 13 January 2025 and will apply to those who have submitted an EAD extension application in a timely manner from 4 May 2022 (inclusive).

Please note that this rule only applies to those who have submitted their work permit extension applications on time, i.e. submitted them to USCIS. I-765 form during the last 6 months of their previous AED. If you apply for an extension after your AED has expired, it is not automatically extended for 540 days.

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In addition to this rule, USCIS has taken a number of steps to reduce EAD processing times and simplify procedures, including:

  • Halving the average EAD application processing time for individuals applying for adjustment of status from FY 2021 to the current time;
  • Conducting activities to inform relevant persons about the possibility of working and providing assistance in applying for work permits;
  • Reducing the EAD processing time for asylum seekers and some humanitarian status holders to 30 days;
  • Increasing the validity period of the EAD for some categories of applicants from two to five years;
  • Simplifying the processing of EAD applications for refugees;
  • Expanding the possibility of submitting EAD applications online for asylum seekers and humanitarian status holders.

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