Nineteen companies that will give you their goods for free to try - ForumDaily
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Nineteen companies that will give you a free sample of their products

Are you a person who always recommends new finds to your friends? Do you find yourself browsing through tool types to find the best one? And do you love sharing what you've learned with others online? We have great news for you - you can get paid for it. What kind of work is this and what companies pay, the publication said Money Talks News.

Photo: IStock

This is called “product testing,” and companies will actually pay you (or at least reward you) to get your opinion on their products. Think of it as mystery shopping without leaving your home.

class="p1">How to become a product tester

If you've written a review on Amazon or similar sites, then you probably know how product testing works. Consumers are typically selected based on their demographic fit. For example, their age or place of residence.

This is one of the reasons why you will be asked to provide some personal information in advance so that this or that company knows when you can be hired. You may need to connect your social media accounts or PayPal to pay.

Once your account is set up, you'll begin taking surveys to let businesses know which relevant products will fit your lifestyle.

If you meet their criteria, companies can send free samples to your home. The duration of the tests varies depending on each company and their products.

Now comes the fun part - 19 product testing companies that want your valuable feedback.

1. McCormick

Do you like to experiment in the kitchen? You have a chance to become a product tester for McCormick.

While this may sound like a dream job, don't expect unlimited products. The spice and extract company only allows testers to join up to four times a year, and only once every three months.

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Testing is paid, but it depends on the test and the company does not give an exact range. In the past, home testers were paid between $10 and $15 for each test.

In addition to home testing, McCormick's offers tests in Hunt Valley, Maryland. Rates may be higher for in-person sessions - past reports have ranged from $30 to $100 per entry. The same restrictions apply.

2. PINCHme

If you ever wanted to get a collection of free samples, then PINCHme - This is what you need. The Free Sample Program wants to hear your opinion about products from brands like Kraft, Hallmark, and Mars.

When you complete a survey about your household and shopping habits, the site will select suitable samples for you. After you use your products, please fill out a survey with what you think.

You will then be able to earn prizes and qualify for special discounts. But testers are not paid for their work in the traditional sense.

Once a month, PINCHme hosts a Sample Tuesday event where you can choose your favorite samples to be delivered to you for free. To do this, you must register in advance for the event.

In addition, the company runs giveaways on their social media pages for testers, so be sure to follow them for additional freebies.

3. Parent Tested Parent Approved

Vacancies of a product tester in an organization Parent Tested Parent Approved intended to provide a public service to parents. It’s not just baby products here – it can be home appliances, electronics, toys, games, a travel destination, and more.

Start by filling out your profile - you may be asked to test the product and provide feedback.

Added bonus: Once the item is shipped to you, it's yours.

The Loyalty Reward Program offers testers points for viewing products and entering contests that can eventually be redeemed for other products.

But keep in mind: there are more than 130 testers in the group, so there is a lot of competition.

4. Ipsos iSay

iSay by Ipsos perfect for those who prefer not to wait for samples to arrive in their mailbox. Market research firm Ipsos has created a dedicated website for this.

With iSay, it takes a long time to get rewarded, but the winnings come in the form of cash.

Each survey you complete earns you points - usually between 45 and 200.

Once you have enough points (100 points equals $1) you can redeem them for cash via PayPal or as gift cards for retail stores like Starbucks, Target and more. All this is just for participating in the survey.

5. Crowdtap

When it comes to market research, Crowdtap falls into the same category as iSay. After registering, you will need to answer questions about how you shop, your family size, and your hobbies.

These answers will help representatives determine which surveys to show you. The site also allows users to test products.

Points are awarded for regular participation in surveys. They expire in one year.

When you reach a certain level, you can exchange your points for a gift card. Crowdtap unfortunately does not offer cash.


Love to read? If you are a teacher, librarian, book reviewer, or other influential reader, you can join to receive free digital copies of audio books and audiobooks before they are published.

One important caveat: The site states that it is aimed at "influential readers" including reviewers, bloggers, librarians, and booksellers.

This means you'll want to show yourself as an influencer or someone with some book review experience. The publishers, not the site itself, approve requests, which means you should keep this in mind when creating your profile.

7. Product Report Card

Expert Program in Product Report Card uses online surveys, product tests, clinical trials, phone consultations and more to get your feedback.

To receive invitations, you must complete your profile as completely as possible in order to qualify. Unlike some of its counterparts, the Product Report Card offers $5 just to complete a survey.

Follow-up actions, such as watching a TV show or speaking to consumers, can earn you $2 or $4, respectively. Although this is not so much, it will eventually add up to a tidy sum.

Product Report Card itself has a strong track record, with almost 2,3 million people using the site and earning over $14 million. The company boasts a 4,5 rating on Trustpilot, among other things.

8. Philips

As with McCormick, testing the company's products Philipsin healthcare technology is a way to interact directly with a brand. Start by registering on the site and choosing the product you want to test.

If you're lucky, you'll get the product sent to you for free. If not, you can buy the item at a discounted price.

When you write a meaningful rating and review, Philips will let you leave the product so you can enjoy it. Popular Philips products include electric toothbrushes, espresso machines and headphones.


To use BzzAgent, you need to create a profile. Once the research company decides that you are a good fit for the campaign, they will contact you via email.

You will be prompted to submit an application.

Once selected, expect to receive a sample within one to three weeks. Try the product, write a review, and wait for posting instructions.

The reward is the product itself, not any monetary payment.

BzzAgent rewards active users with additional campaigns, so they recommend doing all the steps in the instruction email.

10. Influencer

Like most product test sites, Influencer wants to get to know you via an online survey before sending you free products.

But they offer this: VoxBox, a box of food samples and goodies.

It can contain everything from beauty products and snacks to home and health products.

According to the site, to make sure you get VoxBox, download the Influenster app and stay active. Users with more activity receive more points and are more likely to receive products.

This company will also not pay you with money, but will reimburse the reward with free items.

11. Johnson & Johnson Friends and Neighbors

The company has several opportunities to test the product within the program Friends and neighbors. You may be asked to test the item at home or at one of their facilities.

There are also online surveys, online discussion groups, focus groups, or consumer panels. You will receive emails with invitations.

The testing fee has not been disclosed, but J&J says you may receive a fee upon completion of the study.


Are you a mom with social media followers? MomSelect connects influencers with leading brands.

You will be invited to post on your blog or social media, organize product-specific MommyParties, or participate in conferences and research. The idea is to use your platform to discuss the product.

According to their website, MomSelect has paid out more than $35 million to influential moms in compensation, food, travel and experiences. Brands include Walt Disney World, Fisher-Price, Entenmann's and HP.

13. User testing

Let's start with the good news: UserTesting will allow you to actually earn money.

The site is unique on this list in that it requires product testers to have microphones.

Your UserTesting experience will happen in a variety of ways, including a personal Zoom call with businesses. They may ask what you like about the product and what can be improved.

Possible test products include websites, mobile apps, prototypes, and real things. Testers get paid in USD via PayPal, but the amount depends on what you're doing. You will be informed about this before you start.


Smiley360 is another product testing website for influencers. You need to connect your social media accounts like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to participate. Facebook and Twitter are essential to most company missions.

Some of these missions will include getting emoji packs. You will receive a free product or sample kit two to four weeks after it is shipped. Standard emoticons have a trial period of 10 weeks.

Users earn points, but they are not converted into money. Smiley360 points are used to show how active members are. The more points you have, the more offers you get.

Points are also awarded for participating in surveys that are used to tailor products sent to you.

15. L'Oreal

L'Oreal is more than just a trademark: it includes brands such as Urban Decay, Lancome and Garnier.

Residents of New Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois can take part in their testing center, but they have in-home tests and online surveys available to others.

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You can test products and even earn money from it.

16. thePinkPanel

Another great product testing job for cosmetics and personal care enthusiasts is thePinkPanel. This is a consumer testing site for women and members get to test products via email and Facebook. Testing periods can range from one day to eight weeks.

You keep the product and get $25 to $100 in gift cards or cosmetics. Participants can also apply to participate in focus groups either online or in person, after which they will receive $100.

Back side? Members are limited to one cosmetic product test every six months. However, online surveys are not limited.

17. Social Nature

If you are interested in natural products, you can become a product tester in social nature.

The testing website features food, children, pets, and home, health, and beauty products. You can choose products that are vegetarian, non-GMO, dairy free, flavored, etc.

When you complete your profile, list any dietary requirements and where you shop. The company will select for you products that they think you will like.

If you agree, you can order a free sample online or a free product voucher to use in the store. In the latter case, shipping charges may apply. After receiving the voucher, you will have two weeks to redeem the product, try the product and share your honest feedback with the company.

What's the catch? You are "applying for luck". It is not guaranteed that you will be selected for product testing work. Selected participants are notified by email.

18. Home Tester Club

home tester club is an online community for product testers. You'll see what other members are viewing and you can leave your own reviews of those products, even if they haven't been sent to you by the Home Tester Club.

In order to test products, you need to register as a tester, not just a site user. Your demographics should match what you want to test - for example, if you want to test a product for children but you don't have a child, this can be a problem.

If you are selected to participate, you will receive an email within one to two weeks and the product will be sent to you within one to three weeks.

Members earn points for leaving reviews, completing surveys, comments, participating in home product tests, and more. Points are worth nothing, but users with more points get more opportunities.

19. National Consumer Panel

If you register at National Consumer Panel, you will be given access to their app.

You will be able to use the app to scan the barcodes of your purchases. You will need to share information about your purchases in order to receive points, and then exchange these points for gift cards and goods.

You will be given the opportunity to conduct surveys and participate in periodic surveys.

Regular participation in the National Consumer Panel automatically enrolls you in their sweepstakes for gift cards, merchandise or cash.

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