The girl tried to sell in sex slavery at Domodedovo airport
At the Moscow Domodedovo airport, two women tried to sell a girl born 1999 into slavery. This is reported by the press service. Investigative Committee of Russia.
It is reported that 1 March women for 1,5 million rubles sold 19-year-old girl with "the purpose of sexual exploitation of the latter by third parties outside the Russian Federation."
To the crime of the malefactor prepared in advance. They found a buyer through social networks. However, they failed to carry out their plan, since the suspects were detained by Russian Interior Ministry officials.
Investigation of the criminal case continues.
It should be noted that, according to the Criminal Code of Russia, buying and selling a person, other transactions in relation to him, committed for the purposes of its exploitation, recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receiving are punished with forced labor for up to five years or six years in prison.
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