Deutsche Bank to pay a fine for helping Russians - ForumDaily
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Deutsche Bank will pay a fine for helping the Russians

Deutsche Bank may pay 200 millions of dollars to US authorities as part of an investigation by the Department of Justice about a possible violation of the sanctions regime imposed against Russia. He writes about it Bloomberg with reference to a source familiar with the process.

The Financial Services Authority of New York (DFS) and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) may announce an agreement with Germany’s largest bank next week. At the same time, the agreement will not concern the investigation opened in the office of the District Attorney of Manhattan, an unnamed source said.

Deutsche Bank spokeswoman in Hong Kong Amy Chang declined to comment on this information. Earlier, a representative office of the bank in Frankfurt said that the bank cooperates with investigators.

Commerzbank AG, Germany’s second largest lender, has already paid 1,45 a billion dollars to US authorities this year to settle similar claims.

Over the past few years, about 10 transnational banks have been accused by US regulators of violating the sanctions imposed by the US on a number of countries, including Iraq. In most cases, Bloomberg notes, banks and regulators are close to concluding agreements providing for large-scale compensation.

Previously, Forum reported that US authorities since July 2015 investigating in relation to Deutsche Bank, concerning "mirror transactions" in the representative office of a German bank in Moscow. Since May 2015, the bank itself has begun an investigation into such transactions.

In addition, since the end of 2014, US law enforcement agencies have investigating the case on evading Deutsche Bank from paying taxes.

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