He made a cure for strabismus, but created it from old age: the inventor of Botox died - ForumDaily
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He made a medicine for strabismus, but created it for old age: the inventor of Botox died

On December 16, at the age of 90, Alan Scott died. He was the first person to use Botox in medicine, but not in the way we are used to, but in ophthalmology. Writes about it Snob.

Photo: Shutterstock

The cause of death was complications of sepsis, writes RBC.

In the 1960s, Alan Scott studied botox at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco, California. Then he noticed an unusual paralyzing effect of the substance on muscles and suggested that an improved formula of the toxin could help treat strabismus and blepharospasm (involuntary blinking).

He created the formula for the drug, and in 1989 already received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug. Then Botox was named Oculinum.

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But the doctor's patients noticed that Oculinum not only treats strabismus, but also removes wrinkles around the eyes. In 1991, the pharmaceutical company Allergan bought Scott's formula and began making Botox. In 2002, the drug was approved for use in cosmetology. Since then, it has become very popular, and millions of people have taken advantage of its rejuvenating effect. It is also used to treat various ailments such as migraines and to reduce sweating.

What else is known

“Life is a mystery. Everything that happens is amazing, ”said Alan Scott, reflecting on the history of the drug he created.

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In another interview, the scientist called the use of Botox to combat wrinkles "charming and slightly frivolous."

“You never know what will happen after you create something,” he joked.

Botox is a botulinum toxin-based drug. It is a poisonous substance produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinu that can cause muscle paralysis and death. During the Second World War, the possibility of using botulinum toxin as a biological weapon was studied.

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