'Tribute to time': in California, the girl was given a REAL ID with a photo in which she is wearing a mask
Leslie Pilgrim, 25, received an ID from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) with a photograph of her wearing a mask. How it happened, said the publication CNN.
“I think this in no way qualifies as legal identification,” Pilgrim said.
In early February, Leslie visited the DMV in Laguna Hills to apply for a REAL ID, an identification card that is a federally accepted form of identification.
The California DMV website requires REAL ID applicants to provide the required documentation in person.
Pilgrim said the agency had very strict adherence to social distancing protocols.
“It was really creepy,” she recalled. “Immediately when I got there, I thought, I better not break any of the rules because they might send me to the back of the line.”
In an effort to be careful, Pilgrim was careful not to remove her mask unless necessary. When she finally got to the line, she said, the DMV took her photo twice—once with a mask and once without it.
On the subject: Whether face masks protect others or those who wear them: a study
“The DMV actually took two photos of me,” Leslie Pilgrim confirmed. “One with a mask, and the second without it, then somehow the first one got lost in the process, and they sent a photo with a mask.”
The California DMV said the masked photo was a mistake.
“Customers are asked to remove protective masks from their faces when they are photographed,” the department explained. - In this case there was an oversight. The employee should have asked the client to remove her mask for the photo.”
The department said that they would find out how this could happen, and assured that the identity card is valid, despite the presence of a mask.
“The DMV contacted the customer and set up an appointment for a new photo,” the report said.
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Pilgrim said she had not tried to use her ID yet and said she had an appointment so she could take a new photo.
Although the girl will soon be issued with a new ID, she plans to keep the document with a masked photograph to remember life during the pandemic.
“It’s definitely a tribute to the times,” says Leslie. “It’s the perfect souvenir.”
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