Retired Couple Book 51 Cruises in a Row Because It's Cheaper Than a Nursing Home - ForumDaily
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Retired Couple Book 51 Cruises in a Row Because It's Cheaper Than a Nursing Home

Marty and Jess Ansen from Australia have been on board the Coral Princess cruise ship for a year and a half now and plan to continue to spend their golden years cruising, the publication writes MirrorA couple have booked 51 cruises in a row because they claim life on permanent holiday is cheaper than living in a nursing home.

Photo: Makoto Honda |

Marty and Jess Ansen set out on their marathon journey last June aboard the Coral Princess cruise ship. They’ve spent the past year and a half dancing, dining, making “friends for life,” and discovering the world. The couple joke that they welcome the captains aboard, not the other way around.

Marty and Jess have become the ship's celebrities, according to manager Ren van Rooyen. Other passengers ask to meet the couple, whose story is an inspiration to many. According to Marty, they have become so accustomed to life at sea that they have forgotten how to make a bed or cook a meal.

The retirees have been cruising for decades, but decided to make it a full-time activity after the COVID-19 pandemic. Feeling like they had missed out on some fun years due to Australia's strict lockdown, they decided to spend their golden years on an indefinite holiday.

"I told my agent, 'Whatever happens, book it.' And so we went on this long cruise," Marty said.

The cruise includes all meals and onboard staff cleans your cabin. Marty and Jess say the lifestyle is cheaper than checking into a nursing home. Earlier this year, the crew, who the couple say have become like family, went out of their way to help Jess Ansen celebrate her birthday.

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Marty and Jess start each day with an hour-long game of ping pong, followed by a cold beer on deck.

In the coming weeks, the couple will set sail around Hawaii. They have another eight months booked aboard the Coral Princess, then they plan to spend a few months on land. After that, however, the Ansens are thinking of cruising again for a year on the Crown Princess.

The Australian couple aren’t the only ones who’ve decided that the life of a seafarer is better than staying on land. Meredith Shay will be living in luxury for more than 1000 days aboard the MV Lara cruise ship as it embarks on the world’s first three-year cruise. The former flight attendant has chosen to stay in one of the most luxurious suites on the seventh floor. The cabin has a balcony, which Meredith hopes will become a meeting place for the new friends she plans to make along the way.

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Over three years, she and 200 other passengers will travel more than 135 kilometers across all seven continents and 375 countries, stopping at 13 destinations and visiting 12 wonders of the world. Meredith signed up for this once-in-a-lifetime experience just XNUMX hours after first hearing about it, and the morning of the day cabins first went on sale.

“I don’t have any children or grandchildren, so I’m free and happy at the moment. Why not do something like this?” she admitted. “I like new experiences, because they keep me in shape. I’ve been looking for a cruise like this for about two years, I’ve thought about it before. Over the years, I’ve been able to visit many countries. I worked as a flight attendant for 22 years and took full advantage of the opportunity to travel for free.”

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