Costco, Target, and Walmart: How Consumers View Well-Known Retailers
Grocery shopping is something we all do, whether we're stocking up for the week online, at a farmers market, or at a big box store. Shoppers who choose the latter, in particular, have their loyalties in terms of where they buy their products depending on which chain they trust. Unfortunately, some of the biggest grocery brands don't have the best reputation among consumers, according to a recent Axios Harris Poll. Edition Yahoo! singled out 6 chain stores by rating.
The Axios Harris Poll 100, based on an annual survey of 42 Americans, uses a two-step process to rank the reputation of some of the largest U.S. brands. These companies were then rated by a second group of Americans on seven key dimensions of reputation: proximity, ethics, products, and culture. Brands were rated on a 935-point scale, where the lower the rating, the worse the reputation.
Of the 100 rated brands, which included everything from media companies to wireless carriers, we selected the six grocery chains on the list and ranked them from highest to lowest, AKA best reputation to worst. Read on to find out how your top picks scored, from most reliable to least reliable.
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- Evaluation: 80,1
Known for both its products and affordable electronics, this giant had the highest reputation rating of any grocery chain.
In addition to an overall score of 80,1, which is considered “excellent,” Costco scored high across the board, especially in the culture category, with 88,1 points, which is the third highest score in this category out of all 100 companies in list.
- Evaluation: 79,2
This representative of the grocery segment came right after Costco, and while his overall rating of 79,2 was not enough to put the chain in the “excellent” category, it is still considered “very good” by the survey standards.
However, Wegmans have dropped slightly in the overall rankings, dropping from 6th last year to 13th this year.
- Evaluation: 78,2
Publix also received a "very good" overall reputation score of 78,2, but also dropped from 4th last year to 23rd this year.
- Evaluation: 77,5
Another "very good" result for a grocery chain that has stood the test of time. Kroger ranked No. 30 out of all 100 companies—21 spots lower than last year, when it ranked No. 9—and fourth on our list of six grocery chains.
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- Evaluation: 76,0
Target is the last brand on this list with an overall reputation score of "very good." And he is also the first one on the list to rise in the rankings since last year. In 2020, Target was ranked 51st out of all 100 companies, but in 2021 the brand moved up 10 spots to 41st.
- Evaluation: 69,7
In last place among the grocery chains on the Axios list is Walmart. While the overall reputation score for the retail and grocery giant is high enough to be considered “fair” in the poll, it is low enough to be ranked last on this list, ranking 83rd out of a total of 100 companies.
According to the survey results, culture is an area where Walmart needs to do everything it can to improve, as the company scored 64,5 in this category, which is considered "poor."
On a positive note, the company moved up two spots from last year's overall reputation to 85th place.
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