CIA boasts of successful recruitment of informants in Russia
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) boasted of its success in recruiting informants in Russia. And now, based on this experience, the CIA launched a new recruitment campaign on October 2 in the countries of the "axis of evil" - China, Iran and North Korea, reports Reuters.
Experience in the Russian Federation has shown that Russians are willing to cooperate with the Central Intelligence Agency, at least that is what the agency itself claims.
"Our efforts on this front have been successful in Russia, and we want to make sure that people in other countries where authoritarian regimes are in power know that we are open to cooperation," the CIA spokesman said, adding that the agency is adapting to increased state repression and global surveillance in those countries.
Since 2022, the CIA has been publishing videos in Russian with calls to share information and instructions on how to contact American intelligence. Below is one example of such advertising.
The Central Intelligence Agency does not require potential agents to provide their real names and backgrounds — contact information that is not linked to real identities is sufficient. If a citizen of an authoritarian state knows something that he believes might be of interest to the CIA, he can pass it on to the intelligence agency. However, a CIA spokesman said, it may take some time for the agency to respond.
The CIA notes that the Russian-language videos worked, and now the same ones have been published in Chinese, Farsi, and Korean. They appeared on all of the CIA's social networks: X, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, LinkedIn, and the Dark Web.
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The CIA's need for new intelligence has increased as China expands cooperation with Russia and Iran and flexes its regional military muscle.
Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are known in the US intelligence community as “hard targets” — governments that are difficult to penetrate.
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