Awesome New Year with eTVnet! - ForumDaily
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Awesome New Year with eTVnet!

December 31, 1320. Residents of the medieval town of Nischburg, having survived two plague epidemics, are preparing to celebrate the New Year and quickly forget about all the problems that have fallen on their heads. But it turns out that not everything that can have fallen on their heads has fallen on their heads. A huge stone flies to the Earth, which will fall in some twelve hours. The wise baron decides not to tell anyone anything, but to distract his subjects by arranging a luxurious feast with all the money left in the treasury. The holiday begins ... How events will develop, you will find out from the comedy of the online cinema Ivi "Crazy New Year”, which can be viewed on the interactive TV website eTVnet.

Photo: eTVnet

Subscribe to eTVnet, to watch not only the best New Year's comedies, but also the latest new films and TV shows, countless films and programmes from the archive, films and series from the online cinema START and Ivi.

Celebrate the New Year live with over 200 channels! With an unlimited subscription for a year, you get a set-top box for watching on your TV screen for free - a great New Year's gift, isn't it?

Any questions? Call +1 (855) 251-65 45! And right now, turn on these New Year's films. Happy New Year 2025 to you!

"The Newest Year"

Photo: eTVnet

Sasha was lucky to be born on January 1st. Or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. The double holiday turns into a test for him because of the tense atmosphere at home. His girlfriend Olya can't wait for a proposal, and Sasha can't make up her mind because of his modest job - he cleans dogs' ears at a veterinary clinic. Olya's mother doesn't like this at all, and Sasha's mother doesn't like Olya herself, and all the endless problems make him just want to disappear somewhere. And then a New Year's miracle overtakes him, and what a miracle! Sasha is transported almost thirty years back, a couple of hours before his birth. The time traveler is met by New Year's Russia of 1992.

"Three days before the New Year"

Photo: eTVnet

Sanzhar is a spoiled young man, accustomed to the fact that he can get out of any situation with the help of cunning or money. He works as an ordinary clerk in a company and, of course, does not have time to deliver an important project by the New Year. Realizing that he risks being fired, Sanzhar decides to hit on his hard-working colleague Aizhan and ask for help. The plan works, but during a joyful spree, the frivolous guy forgets about his promise to the girl. The deceived Aizhan leaves for her family, and a black streak begins in Sanzhar's life. Failures and minor troubles begin to happen to the guy, and everything literally falls out of his hands! Soon Sanzhar realizes that the offended girl has sent a curse, and he has three days before the New Year to have time to ask for forgiveness.

"Tsvetnyashki. New Year"

Photo: eTVnet

The characters of the musical animated series "Tsvetnyashki" celebrate the New Year with a magical mood, smiles and kind songs. The cheerful friends decorate the Christmas tree together, get acquainted with New Year's attributes, draw a snowman, discover the beauty of winter and learn about the secrets of their favorite holiday. And most importantly, they gather the most sincere company to share warmth and fun with each other and with all the viewers.

"Yolki 8"

Photo: eTVnet

Zhenya in Saransk is trying to make his sad friend Borya laugh, while Petr is making a new "Lapland" in Ufa. Gamer Fedya from Yekaterinburg is looking for himself offline, and a girl Glasha from Nizhny Novgorod hopes to find her dad in space. Yulia's star mission is to please a capricious celebrity who came to Tyumen, while the Perm avenger Oksana decides to get even with her ex. And another question: which of the heroes will find it more difficult to fulfill their plans before 2022. One thing is clear - celebrating the New Year will be an adventure for everyone: unpredictable and unforgettable. And how could it be otherwise?

"Home Alone"

Photo: eTVnet

An unlucky apartment thief falls into the trap of a smart girl who was left alone for the New Year. Actually, Artem is not a robber by profession, but an engineer. He armed himself with his own invention for breaking locks in order to ransom his kidnapped brother. A smart girl with a beautiful name Stefania also needs money - for a gift for her mother. When Artem accidentally broke into her apartment, he himself was robbed. The little landlady took his list of addresses of rich houses. There is no time to argue: Artem agrees to take her with him, and she helps him not to get caught. Big adventures and New Year's miracles await the unusual accomplices. And of course, they will both be convinced that stealing is bad, but being friends is good.

"Hello, Santa Claus"

Photo: eTVnet

Dmitry Kolesnikov is a journalist from the capital who arrived in his hometown on New Year's Eve. He is assigned to write a report on the ins and outs of the profession of the actor-Santa Claus. In order to gather insider information, Dima has to try on a white beard and a red fur coat. In this form, he meets a sad boy Sasha, who does not need any introductions or gifts. He needs his dad, who disappeared on some expedition. Having promised to help, Dima is convinced that this "disappearance" is actually part of a large cynical conspiracy involving the city elite. It's high time to fight back against the dark forces! Instead of superpowers and magic - friendship, honesty and the joy of good deeds.

"Casual Acquaintances"

Photo: eTVnet

It would be hard to imagine more unpleasant circumstances for Vera and Alexander to meet. An active employee of a sanatorium zealously rushed to defend the building, which was the object of an unprincipled businessman’s eye, having managed to win the case in court. However, in a fit of emotion, Vera came up with the idea of ​​stealing a briefcase with documents from her opponent and running away, hoping to get justice in another court. However, Alexander also turned out to be no slouch: having rushed after the woman, he overtakes her at the train station. As a result of the squabble, they both end up in the position of losers, since they are left without documents and even without a train. The rivals end up in a remote snow-covered village, from which it is not easy to get out on New Year’s Eve. Thus, life itself forces Vera and Alexander to take a closer look at each other and discover a kindred spirit in the seemingly irreconcilable enemy.

Material prepared in partnership with

Russian interactive television eTVnet

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