What is turbulence and why does it happen: over the last 40 years there have been more problems due to it - ForumDaily
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What is turbulence and why does it happen: over the past 40 years, problems due to it have increased

Turbulence in the skies has increased significantly around the world over the past four decades. Why does this happen, and how to avoid getting injured in flight, reports NationalNews.

Photo: IStock

Last month, a Delta Air Lines flight from Milan was about 64 miles from its destination in Atlanta when it encountered severe turbulence. Although the Airbus 350 landed safely, 11 people had to be taken to hospital.

A few days earlier, passengers on a flight over Mallorca in Spain screamed in terror on the plane during high winds and thunderstorms.
In other incidents, severe turbulence has resulted in injuries.

A published report found that disruptive flights are more common than ever before.

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"We've only been tracking turbulence since the 1970s," said Vance Hilderman, chief executive of safety-critical aviation services company Afuzion.

“We know that temperatures generally fell over a century earlier as part of normal global fluctuations. However, over the past 50 years, some temperatures have increased and, as expected, turbulence has increased accordingly,” he says.

What is turbulence

“Turbulence is a common occurrence during flights and can range from mild to severe intensity,” explains pilot Michael Schreiber, head of pilot technical operations at Emirates Airlines.

It refers to the irregular and often sudden changes in airflow that an aircraft experiences while flying through the atmosphere.

“When this happens, it usually results in sudden, erratic movements or vibrations in the aircraft,” Schreiber says.

There are various reasons why this can happen. There is clear air turbulence, which occurs at high altitudes with clear skies and is often associated with jet streams - fast air currents that move from west to east in the upper atmosphere.

Then there is convective turbulence, which results from the vertical movement of air due to heating from the Earth's surface, often associated with clouds and thunderstorms.

Meanwhile, mechanical turbulence occurs when air encounters obstacles such as mountains or buildings.

Which regions of the world are most turbulent?

“Remember, turbulence is caused by differences and changes in temperature. The higher the altitude, the thinner and colder the air and, therefore, the less turbulence. A cool evening in the Arizona summer is when turbulence is at its peak,” Hilderman says.

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Schreiber also says that some parts of the world and seasons are more prone to turbulent skies due to meteorological factors.

“For example, during the hot summer, you may notice that the air during departure, approach and landing is usually harsher than during the cool winter season. This is caused by air masses heated by hot surfaces and rising vertically.”

What pilots do to mitigate the impact

“Ship captains can mitigate the effects of ocean waves through maneuvering, but they cannot avoid the waves,” Hilderman says. “An airplane may try to fly around the turbulence, but the turbulence moves and changes dynamically and is not easy to detect.”

Schreiber, however, says Emirates is investing heavily in new technology to make these forecasts more accurate. Airline pilots also receive training on how to deal with this.

“Practical training in turbulence avoidance and management is done in a flight simulator,” he explains. “Pilots are instructed on how to navigate turbulence areas and how to ensure the safety of our passengers and crew when turbulence occurs in flight. Improved technologies, such as improved weather forecasting tools, help pilots make better decisions while avoiding areas with choppy air while flying.”

Where possible, Emirates flights will be routed around areas of predicted turbulence and avoid various weather conditions to ensure a smooth flight.

But, as Hilderman says, no matter what, “airplanes will always fly in turbulence.”

How turbulence affects airplanes

“The larger the plane, the less the effect of turbulence - just like small boats and large ships on ocean waves,” says Hilderman. “Turbulence literally pulls the aircraft away from its intended stable path in the air, and also affects the wings, ailerons, elevator and rudder.”

Schreiber says the most significant impact turbulence has on a flight is when it comes to passenger comfort and safety, crew workload, flight delays and reroutings, and aircraft stability.

“But it’s important to note that turbulence generally does not pose a safety risk to modern aircraft,” he says.

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Hilderman shares this sentiment. “Planes are designed to be safer than any expected turbulence, with ample margin for worst-case turbulence,” he says.

How does this affect passengers?

Although the safety of modern commercial aircraft is not in question, there is a threat to passengers on board. “Unbelted passengers can die in severe turbulence,” warns Hilderman.

Schreiber says it's critical for passengers to fasten their seat belts not only during turbulence, but at all times, since not every turbulence can be predicted. “Passengers who are not wearing seat belts and are not properly restrained are potentially at risk of injury,” he adds.

“In severe cases, flights must be delayed or rerouted to avoid forecast areas of turbulence,” says Schreiber.

How passengers cope with turbulence on flights

Always wear your seat belt, a point both Hilderman and Schreiber want to emphasize, as some turbulence is unpredictable.

“Never leave your seat if you feel turbulence, and never return to your seat if it starts,” adds Hilderman. — Securely secure items and sharp objects. In severe turbulence, press your head firmly against the headrest to avoid neck injury.”

He also advises parents to hold babies tightly and place them in a carrier with a strap or, if possible, buy them a seat instead of holding them on your lap.

You should also avoid hot drinks, Schreiber adds, because they can splatter or spill, which can cause burns.

Most importantly, he says, remain calm. “Remember, turbulence may interfere with your flight, but it is not harmful to modern aircraft,” he says.

Should you be afraid of turbulence?

No, as Schreiber says. Rather, passengers must be prepared and informed, he adds. “Almost every flight encounters turbulence at some point,” says Schreiber.

“Even trained pilots and passengers with three million flight miles and 20 hours in the air sometimes get white-knuckled and use a barf bag,” Hilderman says.

But planes are constantly improving their design, he adds. “So modern airplanes in more turbulent environments are still safer than older airplanes in less turbulent environments,” Hilderman says.

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