What's happening with REAL ID: current deadlines and requirements for new ID cards in the USA - ForumDaily
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What's happening with REAL ID: current deadlines and requirements for new ID cards in the USA

The deadline for obtaining a REAL ID compliant driver's license has changed many times. Now the date Americans should remember is May 7, 2025, reports Patch.

Photo: IStock

After that date, if all goes as planned, Americans will no longer be able to board domestic flights or enter nuclear power plants and some federal buildings unless they have a REAL ID. The passport works the same as a REAL ID when boarding domestic flights.

Congress passed the Real ID Act shortly after September 11, 2001, setting clearer standards for government-issued photo identification.

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The Real ID Law established a uniform set of security standards for driver's licenses and other government-issued identification, and most importantly, prohibits government agencies from accepting IDs that do not meet the Real ID Law's standards.

One of the goals was to add an extra layer of security to commercial aviation by making it harder for people to get fake documents and use them to access aircraft.

Government agencies will require more documentation from a person when issuing a Real ID, and the cards themselves are more advanced and therefore harder to counterfeit.

What you need to know about REAL ID and the new deadline

How do I know if I have a REAL ID?

This law has been in place for a long time, and many states began issuing corresponding Real IDs long before it was required at the federal level. This means that you may already have a Real ID, but there are some easy ways to check this. As a general rule, IDs with a star or star-shaped cutout are compliant with Real ID.

However, if your ID doesn't have an asterisk or says something like "federal restrictions apply" or "not for federal identification", you don't have a matching Real ID.

If you are still not sure about DHS website you can check if your ID meets the requirements.

How to get a REAL ID

Visit your state’s driver’s licensing agency website to see exactly what documents are required to receive your new ID. At a minimum, you must provide documents with the following data:

  • full official name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • social Security number;
  • two proofs of address of primary residence;
  • proof of legal status.

In some states, you can upload your documents in advance to save time, but applicants will still have to visit a DMV office to complete the process.

What you need:

  • ID confirmation. One original or certified document (example: valid passport, birth certificate).
  • Official name change document(s) is required if the name on the ID is different from the name on other documents (example: marriage certificate, adoption papers).
  • Proof of in-state residence—two documents, paper copies (e.g., utility bill, bank statement).
  • Social Security Number (exceptions may apply).

Why are deadlines constantly being extended?

The Department of Homeland Security has extended the deadline for issuing REAL ID compliant driver's licenses several times. The last time was at the end of 2022, when the agency moved the date to May 7, 2025.

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Homeland Security officials said delays related to the COVID-19 pandemic have slowed states' progress in issuing REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses.

Should we just wait until 2025?

With the deadline extended by about a year and a half, the temptation to delay getting your REAL ID may be greater. But this can mean longer lines and more wasted time.

“Resolving to get a REAL ID is one of the easiest goals you can set for 2024,” said DMV Director Steve Gordon. — Losing weight and saving for retirement takes time. You can get a REAL ID in minutes.”

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