What happens when someone dies in the plane
If you often fly planes, then you know what it is like to sit next to a crying or screaming child, too talkative or intoxicated neighbor. Yes, the situation is not pleasant, but it happens worse ... What if the passenger flying near you died?
About the actions of the airlines in this case told Life hacker.
According to studies, from 2008 to 2010 year 11900 cases of critical condition were registered for air passengers, only 36 of them ended in death.
Each airline has its own rules of conduct in such cases, for example, at one time Singapore Airlines used Airbuses with a special compartment for storing corpses. There were cases when a deceased person was placed in a toilet, but according to the 2014 rules of the year, this is considered unacceptable, since this is a disrespectful attitude towards the deceased. Moreover, an unfastened corpse can be damaged during the landing.
So what happens when someone dies on a plane?
The crew members, together with the dispatcher on the ground, decide whether to continue the flight or to make an emergency landing. Their decision is affected by: the terrain, the possibility of landing and the cause of death of the passenger.
But while the plane is in the air, the crew members transfer the body to a seat in the unoccupied row or in the first class, where the distance between the seats is much larger. If there are no free seats, then the deceased passenger is left in his place, wear a seat belt and completely cover the rug.
It is worth noting that the passenger can not be considered dead until the landing. The decision to ascertain death is made by a medical officer or a representative of local authorities already at the airport.
Of course, given the fact that the number of passengers per year is about 3 billion, the likelihood of such a situation is extremely small, but, unfortunately, it is not equal to zero.
What to do if the pilot died?
Do not forget that there are two of them in the cabin. The co-pilot includes automatic control, informs the dispatcher about the situation and requests permission for an emergency landing.
Recall that at the Sochi airport on Saturday night, September 1, the passenger Boeing, flown in from Moscow, after landing rolled out of the runway (WFP). The plane crashed into a fence and caught fire. One person died, 18 suffered
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