What to bring with you if you are invited to visit for Thanksgiving: 15 original ideas - ForumDaily
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What to bring with you if you are invited to visit for Thanksgiving: 15 original ideas

If you're invited over for Thanksgiving, there are some wonderful and creative dishes you can bring to the feast, reports Desserts.

Photo: IStock

You can always bring your host flowers or a fun fall gift. But if you want to contribute to the holiday table, here are some ideas.

1. Pumpkin cheesecake

Make a savory yet sweet pumpkin cheesecake. You can even make pumpkin whipped cream to top this cheesecake. Aim for a uniform batter and you'll have a better chance of creating a perfect dish. The recipe can be found here.

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2. Cinnamon rolls

You can make classic cinnamon rolls or pumpkin cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls are a versatile dessert and can also be served as a sweet snack. You can see the recipe here.

3. Spiced Apple Cider

If you only have a few minutes to prepare a dish, use this recipe. Grab some apple cider from your local orchard or grocery store and season it with spices. It is best served warm, as a mixture from Minimalist Baker, so try to transport it in a thermos.

4. Toast with brie

Brie toast is an easy way to make a delicious appetizer. Slice the baguette and brie. You can add some kind of jam on top of the baguette, such as tomato or strawberry, and then add some brie. You can add a sprig of mint for a fresh herbaceous note.

5. Cups with vegetables

Vegetables and sauce don't have to be boring. Take clear plastic cups and put vegetable sauce at the bottom: this could be a yoghurt base. Chop vegetables such as bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots and then place them in cups.

6. Deviled eggs

Check out the recipe for deviled eggs from Downshiftologyfor an easy appetizer to bring to your Thanksgiving dinner party. You can add additional herbs to add freshness to the dish.

7. Meat board

Photo: IStock

Create the perfect fall charcuterie board. Pair cheeses like Brie, Cheddar, Gouda, Feta and Pecorino Romano with meats like salami and prosciutto, and thinly sliced ​​apples, pears and berries. Serve with nuts, crackers, baguette slices and jams (such as marmalade or fig jam).

8. Butternut Squash Lasagna

This is pasta with a vegetable twist. Butternut Pumpkin Lasagna Recipe from Ambious Kitchen combines fresh fall vegetables with cheese and pasta for an easy side dish.

9. Broccoli and Bacon Casserole

Cheesy broccoli with bacon is delicious. Recipe SImply Recipes uses broccoli, bacon, cream, milk and eggs with plenty of cheddar cheese. The result is a casserole that you can serve as a vegetable side dish for the main dish.

10. Vegan Pumpkin Mac and Cheese

Being vegetarian or vegan this Thanksgiving can be challenging. The star of the show is the meat dish: turkey. And side dishes such as mashed potatoes or stuffing often include dairy and meat. Using nutritional yeast, cashews, pumpkin and more, you can make vegan mac and cheese from Rainbow Plant Life.

11. Potato halves

Potato halves are a filling snack that isn't an everyday meal. They take a while to prepare and have a lot of different ingredients. If you come with Serious Potato Skins from The New York Times Cooking, you'll be able to grab a bite to eat while you watch Thanksgiving football.

12. A plate of hummus

Hummus is a good snack to make if you're short on time. You can do a combination of sweet and salty. Take chocolate hummus along with your typical savory hummus and grab some fruits, pretzels, and veggies to make a special dish.

13. Shrimp with coconut

Photo: IStock

Recipe Serious Eats Coconut Shrimp has the perfect ratio of breading to shrimp so you get crispy shrimp in every bite.

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14. Bread plate

Do you, your family or friends just love bread? Mix a couple of different types of bread (eg sourdough slices, baguette slices, some brown bread, etc.) together with some whipped butter and some jams. This could be an interesting appetizer or something to serve alongside your main course.

15. Butternut Squash Pizza

Pizza is always a good option. If you cut the pizza into small enough pieces, you can make snacks out of it. Consider using this Roasted Butternut Squash Pizza Recipe with Rosemary from Half Baked Harvest as a savory snack.

Breakfast the next morning.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner is a challenge. You have to prepare a lot of side dishes, as well as set the table, clean up the house and buy a bunch of groceries. Making quiche, breakfast casserole, or cinnamon rolls for your host family can be a thoughtful way to show gratitude without them having to cook the next morning.

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