Microbes and bacteria: what is better not to touch in hotel rooms
Let's face it - staying healthy on vacation is not as easy as it sounds. You not only sleep less than usual, but each new medium exposes your system to hundreds and thousands of foreign bacteria and germs, writes Fox News.
If you think you can protect yourself in a hotel, then think again. Of course, this temporary home may look clean, but your home is full of germs - and in very unexpected places. A hairdryer, kettle or carafe is just the beginning of your troubles. What is the most unsafe in a hotel room? Do not believe it, but it's a chair.
“Chairs can often be made of difficult-to-clean fabrics and upholstery, and certainly cannot be cleaned in the same way as sheets and towels,” says Nidhi Gildayal, Ph.D., at the University of Minnesota.
“Often stains on chairs are washed and rubbed until they are removed, but other microbes remain that are not visible to the eye,” says the doctor.
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You really do not know those people who used to stay in your room and use chairs. At the hotel, people can throw dirty clothes, shoes, towels or bags onto a chair
Dr. Gildayal notes that through the chairs you can pick up bed bugs, viruses, and not even suspect it.
“Sanitation, which is done more regularly in other specific parts of the room, is very different from cleaning, and microbes can easily move around during this process and end up on the hotel chair. Pathogens can easily move between rooms and areas of the room during cleaning by staff, ”the doctor explained.
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