What we heard about America and were not afraid to ask - ForumDaily
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What we heard about America and were not afraid to ask

There are a lot of questions and all sorts of little things that are always interesting to people (and I was interested, and such questions are often asked) - I will try to collect the most popular of them and answer them as it seems to me, as I see it.

  1. Is it hard to move?

As for me, it's harder to decide. Then you just get on such a roller coaster, which just rushes you along the route, you need to catch everything and figure everything out. Why the comparison with the attraction !? Because events are flying very fast, you just go according to plan (and you have to do a lot), passing all kinds of difficulties along the way, associated with difficulties with the language and just put a tick in your ToDo-list. As soon as you reach the level of completed missions, consider that you are entering your rut and it seems that you have been here for a very long time.

  1. Do you miss your country? Do you regret it?

Sorry that the answer may disappoint someone, but no! I only miss people in this country. NO, there was no such thought once.

  1. Is it true that Americans are constantly smiling and asking how are you?

True, smiles are not at all artificial, everything is natural, and I noticed that I myself began to smile more often. And here's the question How are you? and all its derivatives still take me by surprise.

I tell myself as I approach the checkout: “Get ready! Now they’ll ask how you’re doing,” but I’m still at a loss, and when I ask in response, sometimes I hear a short story about how things really are or jokes on this topic, for example: how can I have things to do in this weather, it would rather be spring .

  1. Small Talks (small conversations with strangers) - Are they so true?

Yes, this is a very popular thing here. With a stranger, you can easily start a dialogue about anything, it is easy to communicate here. I like it, primarily because of the language, the ability to learn another culture, and in general it is interesting to communicate. I will not hide, sometimes it can strain, it happened, but more often the opposite.

  1. Is it true that there is no central heating?
  2. >

    We're talking, naturally, about apartments. It’s true, sometimes there is no such concept at all. In our apartment in the rooms there are devices, such as large air conditioners (in fact, they are), they are capable of both cooling and heating. Whether to turn them on or not, when to turn them on, is your personal concern. This is unusual, it’s difficult to wrap your head around it right away, but after a while it seems much more convenient.

    1. How are you treated here?
    2. >

      Perfectly! There has never been a situation with rudeness or rudeness. If you say where you're from, it causes genuine interest, they ask a lot of questions, they are interested. Everyone wishes good luck in a new place and express hope that we like it here.

      1. How do you like the language?
      2. >

        To summarize, it’s “difficult, but possible” to talk on the phone, dictate information - this is often due to the fact that you need to dictate letters, linking them to words. For example, the word RIVER should be dictated like this: R - Rick, I - Ice, V - Victory, E - Elen, R-Rick. It's hard to imagine.

        Orally it is easier, as a rule, all difficulties pass without nerves on both sides, without rudeness, and everything is decided in the end, everyone smiles. I sometimes say “Thank you for your patience!” And the person, as a rule, melts altogether.

        We specifically took the TV to watch local programs and movies, and during that time it really helps us to pump the language, it helps a lot. We also read the local newspaper, well, we should not avoid all opportunities to communicate with people.

        1. Is it true that medicine is paid?
        2. >

          True, insurance should be required. A good employer covers most of the payments, and this is not as scary as it seems. The pros and cons of paid medicine each has its own, in my opinion, advantages in its quality and choice, plus insurance covers all prescription drugs.

          That is, if a doctor prescribed you a drug, you go to your local pharmacy, tell them who you are, and they give you the drug for free (or sometimes with some small co-pay) - the drug is covered by insurance. You can write a separate post about all the features; there are quite a lot of them on the Internet.

          Published with the permission of the author of the blog Jersey's life

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