What kind of housing can I buy for $ 1 million in 10 major US cities - ForumDaily
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What kind of housing can I buy for $ 1 million in 10 major US cities

Even if you have a million dollars to buy a house, there are cities where you can buy only one one-bedroom apartment for the money. It all depends on where you decide to settle.

Фото: Depositphotos

CNBS With a link to a real estate site, Zillow analyzed homes in every city costing from $ 950 000 to $ 1 050 000.

In some expensive cities, many homeowners prefer a small apartment or apartment in the city center, rather than a separate house away from the center. In San Francisco for a million dollars, as a rule, you can buy an apartment with one bedroom, one bathroom and an area of ​​888 square feet (82,5 sq.m.). Altogether, for a million dollars you can buy 1150 square feet (106,8 sq.m.).

In Memphis, however, for a million dollars you can buy a house measuring approximately 5440 square feet (505 sq.m.) This is almost five times more space than in San Francisco for the same money.

Here is a quadrature that can be purchased for a million dollars in 10 major US cities.

10. San Francisco, CA

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 1150 sq. (106,8 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 1 349 000
  • Average rental price: $ 4,526

9. Los Angeles, CA

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 1903 sq. (176,8 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 849 900
  • Average rental price: $ 3 607

8. Seattle, WA

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The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 2 090 sq. (194,1 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 695 000
  • Average rental price: $ 2700

7. Denver, Colorado

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 2 429 sq. (225,6 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 475 000
  • Average rental price: $ 2200

6. Dallas texas

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 3 934 sq. (365,4 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 385 000
  • Average rental price: $ 1750

5. Miami, FL

Фото: Depositphotos

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 2 274 sq. (211,2 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 474 000
  • Average rental price: $ 2400

4. New York

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 1 725 sq. (160,2 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 779 000
  • Average rental price: $ 2900

3. Chicago, Illinois

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The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 2 208 sq. (205,1 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 335 000
  • Average rental price: $ 1800

2. Cincinnati, Ohio

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 3 809 sq. (353,8 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 214 000
  • Average rental price: $ 1375

1.Memphis, Tennessee

The average quadrature you can buy for a million dollars: 5 442 sq. (505,5 sq.m.)

  • Median Property Price: $ 109 900
  • Average rental price: $ 950

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