What will be cheaper in America in 2016 year? - ForumDaily
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What will be cheaper in America in 2016

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2015 was a successful year for the American economy and, judging by economic forecasts, 2016 will be even better. As the dollar continues to strengthen against other national currencies, and the price of oil falls, companies from many sectors will be able to offer good prices to their buyers.

1. Gasoline and diesel

If you think that the cheapest gasoline prices were in 2015, wait for 2016. Current oil prices will continue to affect the decline in gasoline and diesel prices. For example, the average full price (including taxes) of fuel in January 2015 was 2,12 dollars per gallon. The US Energy Administration admits that the full cost of fuel in January 2016 will be 2,06 dollars per gallon. Even this summer, the full price of fuel will be lower (2,51 dollars per gallon) than last summer (2,79 dollars per gallon).

2. Mazut

More than ten percent of homeowners use fuel oil or propane for heating. Fuel oil is used by about 30% of households in the northeast of the country. This year, the projected fall in the price of fuel oil. For comparison, its average price in January 2015 was 2,81 dollars per gallon. According to 2016 projections of the year, the price of fuel oil will be 2,55 dollars per gallon. This is good news for owners of old houses, who can save on heating in the cold.

3. Vacation abroad

In 2015, the US dollar continued to grow against other currencies:

  • The US dollar increased by 12% against the euro and in the year 2016 will be able to compete with it.
  • The Canadian dollar fell almost 20% against the US dollar.
  • The Brazilian real fell 30% to the US dollar.
  • The Chilean peso for two years has depreciated by 57% against the US dollar.

Take advantage of the strengthening of our currency and go on travel at low prices. Just make sure you book an international flight well in advance. According to an Expedia study, the lowest prices for international tickets can be obtained by booking a ticket between 225 days and 150 days before departure.

4. Real estate

Home prices are expected to rise just 3% next year, down significantly from the 5% increase in 2015 and the 11% increase in 2013. However, in some areas the price of a single-family home will exceed the expected 3% threshold. Thus, in Sacramento, California, home prices are expected to rise by 15%, and in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, by 14%. There will be some where the prices will please you. Among them: Houston, Texas - houses will rise in price by 1,1%; Knoxville, Tennessee - 11,7%.

5. Gibson Guitars

Due to the many complaints from guitar fans about the prices of the 2015 range of Gibson guitars, the company promises to lower the prices of its models in 2016 from 20% to 25%. Many fans and musicians will be happy to pick up a new Gibson.

6. Milk

Farm Media magazine estimates that the current trend of low milk prices is likely to continue until the middle of 2016. Analysts expect that the production of milk will slow down in order to get rid of its excess. Due to this, prices can go up. However, this process will take several months to somehow raise low prices, if this works out.

7. Pork products

The same low bacon prices you saw in 2015 will continue in 2016. However, this time it is not only bacon, but all pork products. An agricultural economist at the University of Missouri explained a small surge in pork production at the low price of corn. This trend will continue throughout the 2016 year.

8. Bread

Throughout 2015, the USDA found that the world grew more wheat (271,55 million tons) than we can consume. To solve the problem of oversupply of wheat, its price will be reduced. In 2016, the USDA expects production to reach a new record of 732,79 million tons. This will lead to an even greater decrease in bread prices in 2016.

In the U.S. economy house fuel real estate Products discounts price guitar
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