US hate crime rate peaks in 12 years - ForumDaily
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US Hate Crimes Peak in 12 Years

According to the FBI, the number of hate crimes in the United States has peaked over the past 12 years. In particular, this has been facilitated by an increase in attacks on blacks and Asians. The edition told in more detail Voice of America.

Photo: Shutterstock

According to data received by the FBI from more than 15 law enforcement agencies across the country, there were 000 hate crimes in the United States in 2020, which is 7759% more than in 6. It is also the highest since 2019.

Crimes against blacks rose from 1930 to 2755, and incidents against people of Asian descent from 158 to 274.

Of the 7 hate crimes, 426% ​​were associated with intimidation, 53,4% with simple assault and 27,6% with aggravated assault. Also, 18,1 murders and 22 rapes were recognized as hate crimes.

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Following the storming of the Capitol on January 6, the US Department of Justice warned that white supremacists posed a growing security threat to the country.

In addition, the number of attacks on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders has been reduced. Some people speculate that this may be due to statements by President Donald Trump, who said that China was responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

In May, US Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled new initiatives to help police track and investigate hate crimes, which are often not reported to the FBI by local law enforcement agencies, and called for expedited handling of such crimes.

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In April, the Senate, with bipartisan support, passed the Asian American Hate Crimes Bill.

The initiative, pioneered by Democratic Senator Maisie Hirono and Rep. Grace Maine, is to appoint a special officer in the Department of Justice to expedite the resolution of hate crimes reported to police during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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