Four small children lived in the jungle for two weeks after a plane crash: among them is a one-year-old baby - ForumDaily
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Four small children lived in the jungle for two weeks after a plane crash, including a one-year-old baby

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said Wednesday, May 17, that four children were found alive in the south of the country 17 days after the plane they were flying crashed in the dense jungle. The edition told in more detail Reuters.

Photo: IStock

The children were rescued by the military, firefighters and civil aviation in the dense jungle of the Colombian province of Caqueta.

A Cessna 206 was carrying seven people on a route between Araraquara in the province of Amazonas and San José del Guaviare, a city in the province of Guaviare, when an engine failure alarm sounded early on May 1.

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“After an intense search carried out by our military, we have found alive four children missing after a plane crash in Guaviara. This is a joy for the whole country, ”Petro wrote on Twitter.

The crash killed three adults, including the pilot. Their bodies were found inside the aircraft. Four children aged 13, 9 and 4, plus an 11-month-old infant, survived.

According to preliminary information from the Civil Aviation Authority, which coordinated the rescue, the children escaped from the plane and went into the jungle in search of help.

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Rescuers, backed by search dogs, have previously found discarded fruit that children ate to survive, as well as makeshift shelters made from what is found in the jungle.

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