Four American Jews Receive Prestigious Grant - ForumDaily
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Four American Jews Receive Prestigious Grant

Four American Jews received a prestigious grant from the MacArthur Foundation (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation).

This is 46-year-old Marina Rustow, a historian from Princeton University who explores the life of Jews in the Middle East in the Middle Ages.

Professor Brooklyn College, 36-year-old writer Ben Lerner, son of the famous psychiatrist Harriet Lerner.

Harry Cohen is a 59-year-old medical entrepreneur who founded Medicine Without Harm, an organization that fights against the use of toxic substances in medicine.

And 50-year-old sculptor Nicole Aizenman, who portrays gender roles, family dynamics and economic inequality in a surrealistic style. Her works are exhibited in various museums and are sold, on average, for 75 thousands of dollars each, according to the Jewish News Agency JTA.

They all received thousands of dollars for 625, which will allow them to do more and think less about their earnings.

The MacArthur Foundation is one of the largest private organizations in the United States, which annually gives 24 grants for 625 thousands of dollars to people of art and science in various industries. This award is considered one of the most prestigious in the world.

Previously "Forum" reportedthat Israeli students won first place at the prestigious international competition iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) -2015 held in Boston.


In the U.S. prize the Jews grant
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