The man who planted a bomb at the airport of North Carolina, just got out of prison - ForumDaily
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The man who planted a bomb at the airport of North Carolina, just got out of prison

Photo: Buncombe County Detention Center

The man, who was arrested for planting an explosive device at North Carolina Airport earlier this month, was released from prison just seven days before the incident. He writes about it Daily mail news.

46-year-old Michael Estes was convicted in 2016 for attacking with intent to cause serious bodily harm. He pursued a man and attacked him in a trailer with a knife and an ax, reports Asheville citizen-times.

He was released on 21 this September.

Estes was arrested again just recently, on October 6, for attempting to use explosive materials maliciously and storing explosive materials illegally at the airport.

He placed a homemade bomb made using cans Masonfull of ammonium nitrate fuel Sterno, nails and handheld shotgun Winchester 0,410 caliber at Asheville Regional Airport, according to documents filed with the North Carolina Western District Court.

An alarm clock was set on the outside of the jar, which was pressed between the glass and one of the clock's bells in order to make the matches strike and start the device.

A maintenance officer spotted Estes a few days ago when he was in black clothes in a wooded area across from the airport.

Investigators searched the area and found a green backpack and a black tool bag, partially covered with leaves.

Finding out that there is no bomb inside, the investigators examined the contents. All items found matched what was used on the device at Asheville Airport.

Investigators checked surveillance cameras in local stores Walmart and Lowe and identified the suspect.

They also visited the sporting goods store REI, where Estes bought a backpack. The suspect paid in cash and used the REI membership card number when paying.

Estes was arrested a day after finding the device.

Court reports show that he waived his rights and openly admitted to the police that he left the device at the airport, and showed where he bought everything.

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