Quarantine has changed the way you learn foreign languages: how to use the situation

Every day, Massachusetts seventh-grader Kaylin Wilson takes a break from her online homework and opens an app on her phone for a half-hour foreign language lesson. USA Today writes about this. “The boy has three green bicycles and an egg,” said a 12-year-old girl...

'Could not breathe and coughed up blood': a Russian-speaking immigrant told how she had been ill with COVID-19

Virginia resident Dasha Soldatenkova recovered from coronavirus. Now she is at home, but just a few days ago doctors had to fight for her life. Dasha told Voice of America about her experience in dealing with the disease. Next - from the first person. I am a medical professional...

It brings humanity closer to treating the disease: Israeli scientists get antibodies to coronavirus

Researchers at the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Zion were able to obtain antibodies to the coronavirus COVID-19. Hromadske Radio writes about it. This discovery brings humanity closer to curing the disease. The institute noted that this is far from a vaccine, but finding antibodies is the first step ...

'Hardest week': peak coronavirus mortality begins in the US

The US has entered "peak death week" for the coronavirus, as one official called it. Against this backdrop, the federal oversight agency said hospitals are struggling to maintain and expand their capacity to care for infected patients. Writes about this "Voice ...

Auto insurers will return hundreds of millions of dollars to Americans because of coronavirus

Insurance companies Allstate and American Family Insurance have made discounts on car insurance premiums and are refunding some of the money as many drivers do not use their cars, largely due to quarantines aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Fox News writes about it. ...

This virus is not the last: scientists warned of new pandemics due to animals

The coronavirus pandemic, which has already killed more than 75 thousand people in the world, should force people to abandon the wildlife trade, which not only leads to the extinction of species, but also contributes to the spread of disease, scientists say. Writes about this BBC. An outbreak of a deadly infection ...

Disinfection expert named the main mistake when cleaning a house during a pandemic

There is no job that is too dangerous or messy for the Texas-based company CG Environmental, which deals with the cleaning and cleaning of hazardous substances, writes CNBC. Since 1992, the company has cleaned everything from crime scenes to chemical leaks and radioactive waste, and ...

How Ukrainian churches in the United States conduct holiday services in quarantine

Churches across the United States are celebrating Palm Sunday in a variety of ways during the pandemic. Most of them conduct services online, writes Voice of America. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Washington, D.C., which adheres to the Gregorian calendar, held services and blessed branches for Palm Sunday on April 4...

Half of those infected with coronavirus have no symptoms: why is it bad

According to data from Iceland, the Italian city of Vaud and the Diamond Princess cruise ship, about half of people infected with the coronavirus show no symptoms. Writes about this Fox News. Data from these places are of particular interest to researchers in that half of the infected ...

How to make a protective mask yourself: a simple step-by-step instruction

In the era of coronavirus, disposable medical masks cannot be obtained, so residents of countries affected by the pandemic have adapted to wear reusable or self-made disposables. Not a single mask will reliably protect against the virus in direct contact with a sick person (only special respirators are capable of this), ...

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