The vaccine from COVID-19 has already been created and tested: when will it be publicly available

About 100 vaccines are being developed around the world to fight the coronavirus. The UK is going to complete the tests before the fall, Germany is looking for volunteers, in the US billionaire Bill Gates has joined the financing of projects. However, the WHO is skeptical about the acceleration of trials: one should not expect ...

Left without financial assistance: US citizens married to immigrants sued the government

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Foundation (MALDEF) is suing the federal government for denying coronavirus relief to US citizens married to immigrants without Social Security numbers, Bakersfield writes. The claim was filed ...

The US economy showed the largest decline in 10 years due to coronavirus: what's next

The U.S. economy has largely stalled due to the coronavirus pandemic, posting its worst performance in more than a decade in the first quarter of 2020, but the dismal performance reflects only a fraction of the damage to come. The country's gross domestic product (the value of all goods ...

With the support of Trump and Elon Musk: who organizes protests against quarantine in the United States

Protest rallies against quarantine measures imposed by the authorities were held over the weekend in 40 US states. Why did disgruntled Americans decide to go out? BBC reports. A resident of North Carolina, Audrey Whitlock, reported a positive result of her coronavirus test in a closed ...

What to do if the IRS Get My Payment tool sends an error message: simple life hack

If you get a "Payment Status Not Available" error while using the IRS tool to track coronavirus payments, you can try to fix it yourself, Fox Business writes. Social network users have already come up with a working life hack. Americans who experience...

Help to cope with stress: a hotline has appeared for doctors struggling with COVID-19

Потери, с которыми сталкиваются многие врачи на передовой борьбы с коронавирусом, очень давят на психику. Недавно от такого давления доктор Лорна Брин покончила жизнь самоубийством. Об этом пишет NBC News. Звонки в службу поддержки врачей — 1 (888) 409-01-41 —…

US pharmacies will test for coronavirus for free: what you need to know

American chain pharmacies CVS and Walgreens will allow some categories of US residents to be tested for coronavirus free of charge as early as May, writes Voice of America. CVS has announced that more than 1,000 of its pharmacies (one in 10 of its total network) will provide self-help kits...

'American tragedy': how the Russian media distort information about the fight against coronavirus in the United States

Pro-Kremlin propaganda is using the fight against the pandemic to promote the West's weakness thesis. Writes about this "Voice of America". Coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in most Russian media indicates that total censorship has penetrated even humanitarian topics. The death of Americans from COVID-19 has become ...

20 professions with the highest risk of coronavirus infection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends social distancing as the most effective way to protect yourself from contracting the coronavirus, but for some workers this is not possible. Many professionals require personal contact to carry out their job duties, which puts these people at high risk ...

11 things that have fallen in price or become free during a pandemic

Коронавирус быстро изменил распорядок дня для миллионов американцев. Многие были уволены или временно отстранены от работы. Поэтому экономия — очень актуальна. Как ни странно, несмотря на подорожание антисептиков для рук и туалетной бумаги, некоторые вещи стали ощутимо дешевле из-за пандемии,…

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