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Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

How Russians can get political asylum in the USA: personal experience

The other day, Russian opposition journalist and activist Denis Styazhkin received political asylum in the United States. This status was preceded by an escape through Mexico, more than a year of waiting in the United States, and finally a court hearing in Sacramento immigration court. About whether it is difficult for a Russian now ...

We all move to the US with the perfect plan, but it never works: what usually goes wrong in immigration

I will tell you how my first 3 days in the USA went and what mistakes newcomers to America make. Moscow-Los Angeles flight. We are flying with a terrible cold. When landing, my ear is stuffed up so that even then for 2 days I’m nothing ...

How to translate important documents correctly so that they are accepted by government agencies in the United States or in the immigrant's home country

We have been providing translation services for a long time. Transfers made in our offices are accepted by the US Immigration Service, courts, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), universities, medical institutions, and many other agencies and organizations in the United States. Among other things, we organize the translation of American documents…

Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

From the fear of death to its cult: in 11 months of the war, Russian propaganda has evolved to the level of martyrs

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine began 11 months ago, and in that time even leading Russian propaganda analysts have lost count of the many conflicting theories justifying the bloodshed. However, despite this, the propagandists managed not only to convince the majority of the inevitability of war, but also ...

Marya Solomatova

By ForumDaily

Seven things that amaze me about Americans

I want to tell you why sometimes Americans seem to me not just people with a different mentality and upbringing, but creatures from another planet. What is it - from another universe! 1. In their desire to be politically correct, Americans sometimes reach the point of absurdity. They are so concerned...

Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

'Until we win, there will be no life': a meeting was held in San Francisco with the Ukrainian military, who were given artificial limbs in the USA

On January 20, the Ukrainian diaspora in Northern California met with the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who directly defended Ukraine from the Russian invasion. All five military men are people of different ages and different destinies. Among them are conscripts who came to the front for the first time, and experienced fighters. But…

Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

Sabbat on blood: what and why did Russian propaganda say about Ukraine on New Year's Eve

For the first time in modern history, Russia had to meet the new year 2023 as an aggressor recognized by the entire world community, unleashing in Europe not just a hybrid, but the bloodiest war in this century. At the same time, Russian propaganda behaved in two ways. AT…

Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

Everything is not as terrible as it could be: the most terrible predictions that did not come true in 2022

Without exaggeration, 2022 can be called difficult and scary. Even among Russian-speaking immigrants who have been living in the United States for many years, it is difficult to find those whom the Russian-Ukrainian war did not touch at least indirectly: through relatives, acquaintances, participation in refugee assistance, or, on the contrary, breaks ...

Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

The inevitable stage of immigration: how to say goodbye to the past without falling into nostalgia

We have already noted more than once that the correct experience of nostalgia as an inevitable stage of immigration not only does not interfere with adaptation in a new homeland, but even in a certain sense contributes to it. After several years of living in a new country, the human body is characterized not only by ...

How a small document (or lack thereof) can create big problems: a cautionary tale from a lawyer

I recently received an email from an old client with her new problems. The story is so instructive that I decided to share it with my readers. The moral of this fable is this: all documents must be kept in order, there are no trifles here. There was a family in New York...

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