California man missing 25 years found after sister saw his photo on news
A real miracle happened for one California family on Thanksgiving Day: their loved one, who went missing in 1999, was found 25 years later. His sister recognized him in a photo published in an article on the USA Today website, reports CNN.
The man in question was reported missing back in 1999. He disappeared in the small town of Doyle, California, about 45 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada. His family has not heard from him since. However, they never stopped hoping for a miracle and continued searching.
And then, in an article published on the USA Today website, the missing man's sister saw a photograph: an unknown man sitting on a curb on a Los Angeles street. Looking closely at the photo, she suddenly recognized her brother.
"He just disappeared without a trace. Not even his car was found," the sister wrote in a GoFundMe post. "I spent all this time looking for unidentified remains. I was happy to know he was alive!"
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The woman contacted the Lassen County Sheriff's Department and said the man mentioned in the online article was likely her missing brother, the department said in a Facebook post. The missing man's sister told Deputy Derek Kennomore about the case.
A USA Today article published in May was an ad asking for identification of a man who was unable to provide his identity and hospitalized in Lynwood, California. Medical officials say he was found in South Los Angeles on April 15.
Derek Kennomore contacted the hospital named in the article but learned the man had been transferred to another Los Angeles facility in July.
The deputy then contacted the Los Angeles Police Department's Missing Persons Unit for help. Using fingerprints from the hospitalized man, they were able to confirm that he was the same man who had disappeared in 1999.
The next day, the Nor-Cal Alliance for the Missing, a nonprofit organization that helps find missing people, announced in a press release that the family had been "long-awaited and miraculously reunited."
"After 25 years of searching, Tommy will be found and soon reunited with his loving family," the statement said.
The organization began working on the case in 2016.
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In a GoFundMe post, the missing man's sister said she doesn't have the money to care for her brother. The man is learning to walk again and can't speak yet. She's raising money for medical transportation for her brother.
"I would like to send him a device to play his favorite songs (Sailing, I Want to Know What Love Is and Time After Time) to help restore his memory and elicit some kind of response," the sister noted.
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