How to Become a Trucker in America: Step-by-Step Guide for Immigrants - ForumDaily
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How to Become a Trucker in America: A Step-by-Step Guide for Immigrants

There should be a philosophical or practical introduction about why you should become a truck driver in the USA. But the thing is, everyone already knows why it is a profitable job, especially for immigrants. The main question, the answer to which is not so obvious: HOW to become a truck driver in America? Together with the company Cadence, which has been involved in cargo transportation, training and hiring drivers for more than 15 years, we have compiled a step-by-step guide on how to get a job as a truck driver in the USA. It consists of three points and covers everything: obtaining a license, analyzing body types, determining payment methods, and criteria for choosing a company for employment.

Photo: Dakotastudios |

The first step is CDL

CDL (Commercial Driver's License) is an American license that allows you to drive a truck. It is issued to people over 21 years old, but from 18 years old you can get a limited CDL for driving within one state.

Applying for a CDL is fairly simple—you fill out a form, provide your ID and Social Security number, and pass an eye exam and a basic physical.

After that, you will be issued a permit to learn to drive a truck (CLP). Then you either go to school and study (this is necessary to obtain CDL categories A and B), or wait at least 14 days and sign up for the exam to obtain a CDL. It consists of two parts - theory and practice. The theoretical part for truck drivers includes 3 tests:

  • general knowledge - 300 questions;
  • air brakes - about 80 questions;
  • practicing the coupling between the trailer and the tractor - about 80 questions.

The practical part also has 3 stages: inspection of the truck before departure, theoretical basics of control and driving itself.

After successfully passing the exam, you get a CDL - and welcome to the huge family of American truckers. Now you have 3,5 million colleagues, but don't worry - there is enough work for everyone.

What does a truck driving license and experience from another country give you in the USA? This is a very important question for many immigrants. It is asked so often that the answer to it is even posted on the official website of the US Department of Transportation. In short, they give nothing. In more detail, the US recognizes CDLs obtained in Mexico and Canada: unfortunately, there are no European or post-Soviet countries on this list. The same applies to experience: driving a truck outside the North American continent means nothing to American trucking companies.

The second step is to figure out what you want to ride and how you want to get paid.

And now you have your license, you're trying to find a job as a truck driver in the US and you realize that you don't understand anything. The ads are full of words you've never even heard. Calm down! We'll figure it all out now.

A truck is a very general term, and there are many different types of these vehicles driving on American roads. And first, you need to decide which one you want to drive. Here are the most common types of trailers in the US:

  • Dry Van — transports products with a long shelf life, transported to large wholesale bases in closed trucks
  • Flatbed — transportation of large-sized similar cargo (for example, logs or pipes)
  • Reefer - refrigerated trucks that transport frozen and chilled products
  • ​​Step Deck — a body for transporting high-rise or non-standard shaped cargo
  • Auto Haulers - transport cars, motorcycles, agricultural machinery and other large equipment
  • Less than Truckload - light load
  • Tanker — transport gasoline and other liquids in special tanks

Cadence's fleet includes dry vans, reefers, step decks or flatbeds, allowing each driver to choose the type of trailer they are comfortable using.

On the subject: Reliable and profitable work in the USA: how to choose a trucking company that is trustworthy

How Truckers Are Paid in the US

The format of payment for truck drivers in the USA depends on the type of ownership of the truck. There are three options for cooperation between the driver and the company.

  • Company Driver — a company driver working on a truck provided by the company. The main advantage of this format of work is that the company pays for truck repairs, fuel, insurance and all road charges. The salary is usually calculated per mile, sometimes there can be a fixed rate. Usually, the Company Driver is on the road for 2-3 weeks, after which he takes a few days off.
  • Owner Operator — a truck owner who signs a contract with a freight company. In this case, the driver is paid a portion of the gross (the total cost of cargo delivery), and earnings can be quite high. But the driver pays for truck repairs, fuel, road tolls, and insurance himself. With this type of work, the trucker can take days off at any convenient time and choose the cargo from the options offered.
  • Lease Owner Operator — a driver who rents a truck from a company. The same scheme as Owner Operator, but a weekly truck rental fee is added to the driver's expenses.

The third step is to choose a company to work with.

According to the Department of Transportation, there are 1,86 million trucking companies in the United States. And believe me, none of them will admit to you that they underpay their drivers, put them in old trucks that break down more often than they drive, and that they don't have enough dispatchers, so if you break down on the road at night, you'll have to freeze until at least the morning, if not until Monday, until someone wakes up and sends a truck to you.

When choosing an employer, rely not on his beautiful words and promises, but on the facts and market data.

In the example Cadence We will show you how to correctly evaluate a potential employer company based on the three most important criteria.

Criterion one: remuneration

Pay is the cornerstone of any job, especially in a challenging industry like trucking. Fair pay is not only about meeting an employee’s financial needs, but also about recognizing the importance of their hard work and their value to the company.

Cargo delivery across the country means long hours on the road and daily challenges that require dedication. Every driver deserves a fair reward for their efforts.

В Cadence understand this and take driver pay seriously. The company pays between $0,65 and $0,70 per mile depending on the type of trailer or 30% of the gross (each can choose the payment option). The average salary for truck drivers in the US is $0,60 per mile, and Cadence stands out against this background because it offers higher rates.

Photo: Cadence

For truck owners and lessees, Cadence offers some of the best value in the industry. The company combines competitive pay with flexibility and personalized scheduling. Even drivers with 6 months of experience earn rates that beat the industry standard starting pay.

In addition, the Cadence There are monthly rewards for the best drivers - bonuses for those who, for example, drove more than others, did not violate traffic rules, etc. Now there is a bonus for new drivers - everyone who starts working before January 31, 2025, will receive $1000.

Cadence understands that drivers are the backbone of a trucking company. Competitive wages and benefits are the best way to show truckers that they are valued and supported.

Criterion two: vehicle fleet

A truck is a driver's most important tool. It allows him to cover miles and reach his goals. But when this tool is outdated, breaks down at every turn and constantly needs repairs, it turns from a useful assistant into a burden. A truck that breaks down in the middle of the road again and again is a waste of time and money, because while it is being repaired, the driver does not earn anything.

Cadence guarantees that this will not happen to its drivers. The company's fleet consists exclusively of trucks no older than three years. New vehicles rarely break down and operate at maximum efficiency. Cadence trucks are predominantly Freightliner and Volvo, equipped with advanced safety systems that provide drivers with comfort and confidence on the road.

To keep the fleet in top condition, Cadence has its own truck repair shop with modern tools and qualified technicians. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs ensure that each vehicle operates at its best, minimizing downtime.

Cadence's philosophy is simple: reliable truck - successful driver - profitable company. That's why Cadence invests in a modern, reliable fleet that drivers can trust.

Criterion three: availability of dispatchers and repairs

Anything can happen on the road: flat tires; major and minor breakdowns happen even to new trucks with regular maintenance. No trucking company can prevent this, but Cadence excels in how it handles these situations. Imagine being stranded on a deserted highway late at night due to a breakdown. What can make the situation even more unbearable is the silence of the dispatcher or the vague promise of help that never arrives.

Drivers Cadence will never be abandoned to their fate on the road. The company's support service, providing immediate assistance on both technical and administrative issues, operates 24/7. Whether organizing repairs, solving problems with documents or coordinating logistics, the Cadence team is always ready to quickly intervene and help drivers.

Cadence support is not limited to situations on the road — the company provides rest and leisure for drivers even when they are not at work. Cadence has created a rest point for its drivers. There you can spend the night in a separate room and eat in a cafe that serves healthy home-cooked food. The location is equipped with a gym, which helps drivers stay in shape, showers and laundry. The most active ones can even use the football field — this service is free for all Cadence trucks.

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Cadence has a simple rule for employee entertainment: When drivers are supported, valued, and comfortable, they perform better. So the company doesn’t just provide work—it creates a community of happy drivers.

Our analysis showed that Cadence — a great place to work in the USA: high salaries, new trucks, prompt service.

Cadence fully corresponds to its name. This word is translated as rhythm, a flow of music in a regular sequence. That is, a well-coordinated system of drivers, dispatchers, mechanics and dozens of other specialists that works like clockwork - constantly and without failures.

To get a job as a truck driver at Cadence, fill out this form.

As a reminder, those who start working before January 31, 2025 will receive a $1000 bonus.

Material prepared in partnership with


tel: 708-808-9850 opt 3
Fill out a job application 

Read also on ForumDaily:

Reliable and profitable work in the USA: how to choose a trucking company that is trustworthy

All about the work of truckers in the US

How to Find a Job in 2025: Tips from Employment Experts

work in the USA trucker CadencePremierLogistics Education and Career trucker
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