Rich people and stars in the USA massively grow their legs: the operation costs a lot of money and cripples rather than heals
Software engineers at big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Meta are paying tens of thousands of dollars to be 3 inches (7,6 cm) taller. The edition told in more detail Business Insider.
A Las Vegas, Nevada, cosmetic surgeon who specializes in leg-lengthening procedures that can increase people's height by 3-6 inches (7-15 cm), said many of his patients are technical workers.
Kevin Debiparshad founded the LimbplastX Institute in 2016, and the clinic's business skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here's how it works: The doctor breaks the patient's thigh bones and inserts metal nails into them that can be adjusted. The legs are built up a little bit every day for three months with the help of a magnetic remote control.
It can take months for the bones to slowly lengthen and the legs to heal. One software engineer said that he spent the first three months after the operation alone in his apartment, during which time his height increased from 5 feet 6 inches (167 cm) to 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm).
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“I noticed that taller people seem to have an easier life,” said one of the patients named John. “The world seems to bow before them.”
“People just look at you differently when you're tall. I'm already getting a lot more looks at the gym," he remarked.
There is no single reason why someone chooses leg lengthening surgery, but often one of these reasons is due to the desire to impress girls.
This procedure costs between $70 and $000 depending on whether the patient wants to grow 150, 000, 3, or 4 inches (5; 6; 7,6; 10,1 cm).
The common denominator of Debiparshad's client base is that they are wealthy, but they vary by profession: he has done operations for CEOs, actors, and finance officers. And a group of highly paid technical workers, mostly men. But women also come to him for the procedure.
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“I could have started a tech company by now,” Debiparshad joked. — I have about 20 software engineers who are going through this procedure right now. Yesterday there was a girl from PayPal. There are patients from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft. There were a few patients from Microsoft."
The surgeon said that he does not recommend this procedure for athletes because it can reduce their ability. Many of the patients do not tell anyone that they have had surgery.
In recent years, the stigma surrounding plastic surgery for men has begun to fade. From 1997 to 2015, the number of cosmetic procedures performed on men increased by 325%, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
But male stature, especially short stature, is one of the latest social stigmas, as if the new rules of body positivity don't apply vertically. Short guys are not so much discriminated against as they are deprived of many things: for example, dates with some taller people or participation in the basketball team.
And in Silicon Valley, in recent years, plastic surgery has increasingly become a way for male technologists to achieve their physical goals.
For example, in 2020 it became known that men, in order to move up the career ladder, take Botox injections and laser procedures designed to stimulate collagen.
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