Boeing will pay compensation to families of 737 MAX disaster victims - ForumDaily
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Boeing will pay compensation to families of 737 MAX disaster victims

The American company Boeing will pay $ 144,5 thousands of compensation to the families of 346 people who died in the crash of 737 MAX aircraft in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

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The money will be taken from a special fund established by the company. Representatives of the organization told Reuters that it was difficult to find everyone who was compensated and see that they received the money, because the relatives of the victims live in 35 countries around the world. The fund must be contacted before the end of the 2019 year, writes Rtvi with reference to Reuters.

The Boeing said that the corporation will not require the relatives of the deceased to waive legal claims for payment of compensation.

Now about 100 lawsuits have already been filed against the company. According to lawyers who protect the interests of relatives of the victims, there will be even more appeals to the court. The plaintiffs believe that errors in the operation of the automatic control system caused disasters, so Boeing is responsible for them.

On the subject: Six months without Boeing 737 MAX: what has changed in the industry and what passengers should prepare for

In October 2018 and in March 2019, 737 people died in the crash of 346 MAX aircraft in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

After that, dozens of countries temporarily banned flights of the model, and the company announced the suspension of supplies of 737 MAX to customers. In April 2019 of the year, Boeing acknowledged that the malfunctioning of the MCAS system, which is responsible for automatically adjusting the position of the aircraft in the air, played a role in both disasters.

After two crashes with virtually new aircraft, Boeing's key air program, the 737 MAX, was in jeopardy. Confidence shook not only for the largest aircraft manufacturer, but at the same time for the American system of certification of aviation security, which equaled aircraft regulators around the world.

Boeing incurs billions of dollars in losses and is trying to cope with the crisis: airlines continue to cancel flights, aviation authorities put forward more demands, and there is no timeline for resolving the situation.

For passengers, the “landing” of all 737 MAXs resulted in the cancellation of thousands of flights and route changes. For example, American Airlines cancels about 115 flights per day; the company suspended operations on one of the routes between Auckland and Dallas. Southwest closed 13 direct routes, Norwegian closed six routes between Ireland and the United States with Canada. FlyDubai had to postpone the opening of a flight to Budapest.

But we are not talking about a large-scale crisis: only 2% of approximately 26 000 commercial passenger aircraft do not fly. But those airlines that relied on 737 MAX for new routes or were planning to renew their aging fleet, were in a difficult position.

On the subject: Shocking confession: Boeing knew about the 737 MAX malfunction a year before the airliner's first crash

Airlines have no idea when the 737 MAX will return to service: large American carriers expect this to happen no earlier than December of the 2019. Until this month, they excluded the aircraft from their flight schedules. However, the deadlines have already been shifted several times, and some airlines, such as Air Canada and Southwest Airlines, do not wait for the resolution of the problem with the 737 MAX before the start of the 2020 year.

At the same time, about 20% of people interviewed in the USA categorically stated that they would no longer fly this model, another about 40% agreed to buy less convenient flights and more expensive tickets to avoid flying on the 737 MAX.

It is known that when Boeing resumes 737 MAX flights, the aircraft will be equipped with new software for the MCAS system, which has already been tested since April.

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