Biden summed up his presidency: he talked a lot about Ukraine and Putin - ForumDaily
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Biden summed up his presidency: he talked a lot about Ukraine and Putin

Before the end of his term, US President Joe Biden said that one of the main foreign policy results of his work in the White House was support for Ukraine in repelling Russian aggression, writes Air force.

Photo: Sonnenbergshots |

"When Putin invaded Ukraine, he thought he would take Kyiv within days. In fact, after the war began, it was I, not he, who showed up in the center of Kyiv!" Biden said during a speech at the US State Department.

"I became the only commander in chief to visit a war zone not under the control of American forces," the president added.

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"We helped Ukraine stop Putin. And now, three years later, Putin has not been able to achieve any of his strategic goals. He has not yet been able to subjugate Ukraine. He has not been able to destroy the unity of NATO. And he has not been able to gain large territories.

But the work is not finished yet, we cannot abandon it,” the president said.

Biden visited Kyiv in February 2023, almost exactly a year after the start of the full-scale war.

On January 20, Republican Donald Trump will become the new US president. He has different views on the settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In particular, he advocates for the earliest possible establishment of peace and is ready to negotiate with Russian President Putin.

According to the Kiel Institute for World Economics, from the beginning of the full-scale invasion until the end of October 2024, the volume of aid to Kyiv from the United States amounted to more than $88 billion (Ukraine received or should receive almost 125 billion euros from Europe).

Many Republicans have criticized Biden for his decision to send huge amounts of American aid to Ukraine and accuse him of escalating the conflict, which they believe threatens World War III.

Some Ukrainian and Western experts, on the contrary, believe that Biden was overly cautious and, out of fear of provoking a direct conflict between the United States and Russia, did not send Kyiv all the necessary military aid in a timely manner.

Every decision to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with new types of weapons, whether HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, tanks or F-16 fighters, was made by the White House over a long period of time, say supporters of this approach.

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Summing up the foreign policy results of his work, Biden said that now all the enemies of the United States have become weaker than before his administration. "We did not start wars to achieve these goals," the US president said.

He added that America is winning the competition between the major players on the world stage, its economy will remain the most powerful in the world, and China will not be able to overtake it.

“Experts believed — or predicted — that China’s economy would inevitably surpass ours. Many forecasts say it will happen by 2030 or soon after,” Biden said.

But we said no. We decided to invest in ourselves, protect our workers and technology. Now, judging by the latest forecasts about the current course of China, they will never pass us.”

Biden also said the United States had helped weaken Iran and the Hamas and Hezbollah groups it backs, and he cited the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, another regional ally of Tehran.

“Iran is in the weakest position it has been in decades,” Biden said. “There is no doubt that our actions played a significant role in that.”

The US President expressed hope for a quick agreement between the Israeli government and the Palestinian group Hamas on the return of Israeli hostages and a truce in the Gaza Strip.

“The agreement will free the hostages, end the fighting, bring security to Israel, and greatly increase humanitarian aid to the Palestinians who have suffered horribly as a result of the war waged by Hamas,” Biden said.

Palestinian rights activists have criticized Biden for continuing to supply Israel with weapons after Hamas attacked Israeli territory and started the war in Gaza.

The Hamas attack killed 1200 Israelis, most of them civilians, and took more than 250 hostages. During Israel's retaliatory operation in Gaza, Palestinian officials say more than 46 people were killed, much of the strip was destroyed, and most of the population was forced to flee their homes.

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