Free Drink and Sweets: 5 Tempting Offers on National Coffee Day - ForumDaily
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Free Drink and Sweets: 5 Tempting Offers on National Coffee Day

Do you know that an invigorating drink, without which few people imagine morning in America, has its own holiday? National Coffee Day is celebrated on September 29, so the publication USA Today collected 5 best holiday offers from various institutions.

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1. Dunkin offers to celebrate the day with a free second cup of coffee, however, for the first you will need to pay.

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2. When you buy Siren's Blend at Starbucks, you automatically transfer $ 0,15 to two charities that empower women.

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3. At Barnes and Nobel, you can get free hot or cold coffee if you buy pastries.

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4. At Krispy Kreme, you can enjoy free hot coffee and a donut without any purchases.

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5. At Caribou Coffe, buy an average cup of the invigorating Cold Press Black for $ 2 or Nitro Black for $ 3.

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