The USA, Canada, Britain and the EU announced new sanctions against Lukashenko and demand the release of 1400 political prisoners in Belarus
Recently, the governments of the United States of America, Canada and Great Britain, as well as the European Union, published a joint statement regarding political repression in Belarus and human rights violations in this country. The full text of the statement was published on the official website US State Department.
“Four years after the fraudulent 2020 presidential election and horrific human rights violations in Belarus, the United States of America, Canada, the European Union and the United Kingdom stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus. He, despite ongoing repression by the Lukashenko regime, is peacefully and courageously seeking democratic change, respect for human rights and the release of all political prisoners.
We affirm that the sanctions we recently announced represent a coordinated multilateral effort to hold the Lukashenko regime accountable.
We call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release the nearly 1400 political prisoners held in Belarusian prisons. We will continue to consider introducing additional sanctions to hold accountable those who enable the Lukashenko regime to suppress democracy in Belarus.”
As stated in the statement, the governments of the three countries and the European Union are concerned that “sanctioned” technologies and components are being smuggled through Belarus into Russia, which is waging a criminal war against Ukraine. The efforts of the collective West are aimed at stopping this.
However, this statement makes clear that the sanctions are aimed solely at the dictatorial regime of Lukashenko, and not at the people of Belarus: “We ... will continue to take meaningful steps to expose and end support for ... Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine, but at the same time we will support the Belarusian people".
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