'Running City': a big city game for adventure lovers will take place in Portland - ForumDaily
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'Running City': Portland to Host a Big City Adventure Game

Portland, Oregon will play on October 20th. “Running City” is a city quest in which teams will explore the city, covering routes on foot, running and on bicycles. The best in each competition category will receive prizes, and all others will receive souvenirs. Participants will start at 625 NW Everett St. #111, MarkovCo Gallery at 9:00, they are waiting for a walk around the city, meeting friends and making new acquaintances.

Photo: vk.com/runcity

To learn more about the event, we talked with the project coordinator Julia Vojvodina. She explained what kind of game it is, why it is necessary to participate, how difficult it is or, on the contrary, easy.

Julia, what is this “Running City”? And why in Portland?

This is, first of all, an exciting journey through the city, familiar and familiar to some, but unknown to others. Participants will run, bike, and walk to discover Portland, find unexpected angles, amazing places, and fall in love with this wonderful city. And he is truly wonderful, and sometimes even eccentric. A city of wonderful coffee, roses, drawbridges and free-spirited people. And the beer they brew here is excellent.

Photo: vk.com/runcity

Will they run, drive, walk - are they all different? And what is the task of the participants? Who will win?

BG is urban orientation. The team’s task is to find several dozen points (checkpoints, or CP) on the city map, moving between them according to certain rules, complete tasks and get to the finish line. The tasks are simple, but you have to be careful: count the number of steps or floors, or find where the name of the architect or sculptor is written.

There are different options for participation: cyclists and runners will compete against the clock, walkers - two categories - will win when they reach the finish line. And everyone who made it will receive prizes as souvenirs. We have come up with 4 interesting and unexpected routes. "Riders" - for cyclists who have experience riding in urban conditions. "Griffins" will run or walk. “Lions” and “Mini Lions” are walking tours, for those who just want to stroll and explore the city.

Photo: vk.com/runcity

KP, rules, tasks for attention ... And if I don’t want to compete and don’t like to run, can I just walk around the city?

We invite everyone, regardless of athletic ability. The rules are simple and very easy to understand. If you don’t want to run anywhere or are going to play with children, “Lions” and “Mini Lions” are for you. Team registration is open at Online.

What language do we play?

The game takes place in two languages, in Russian and in English, so invite your American friends, they will also get a lot of pleasure.

Photo: vk.com/runcity

Julia, where did the “Running City” come from? Who came up with it, who does? What cities are still playing?

They play today almost all over the world. Almost immediately after the game in Portland, Dresden will run. New York, London, Kronstadt, Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Vologda, Vyborg, Barcelona - this is not the complete geography of the game. BG is “made” by volunteers. Caring, cheerful people who love their cities. And they play - travelers and explorers are just as fun and easy-going. The first game took place in St. Petersburg in 2000 year.

Photo: vk.com/runcity

The organizers wanted - and they succeeded - to share the beauty of their hometown, show it from an unexpected side, and tie together urban myths, history, architecture and geography of the city. Show picturesque corners that are undeservedly ignored. And to give citizens and guests the opportunity to “feel the city with their feet” and plunge into the dynamics of its everyday life. And now many cities around the world are playing with us. Join us too!

To participate in the game "Running City" in Portland, prior registration is required, it can be done by link.

You can learn about the biggest game that took place this summer in Moscow and about its participants from the video.

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