Gangsters mistakenly shot a car of Ukrainian immigrants in Portland - ForumDaily
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Gangsters mistakenly shot a car of Ukrainian immigrants in Portland

Photo: GoFundMe

The family of Ukrainian immigrants in Portland, Oregon, 1 July accidentally turned out to be a victim of criminals who mistakenly organized an attack on their car.

“Mercedes” of the family was shot in one of the eastern districts of the city, as a result of the shelling Olga and Diana Lobodiuk were seriously injured by gunfire, reports “Slavic Sacramento".

According to police, an unknown person fired at a car from a passing vehicle. A suspect vehicle was found close to the scene of the incident, but by the time police arrived, there was no one in it.

Investigators believe the victim's car, a black Mercedes-Benz, may have been confused with another similar car that was involved in a shootout outside a cafe a few days before the incident. Taco Bell in the town. One of the participants in the exchange of fire was arrested by the police, and his Mercedes was confiscated.

The police noted that members of the Loboduk family are not related to gangs and criminal activities.

A relative of affected immigrants began to raise funds for their treatment through the portal GoFundMewhere she spoke about the condition of the wounded.

Olga Lobodyuk
Photo: GoFundMe

“There were five people in the car - my cousin David, cousin Diana, their mother Galina, my brother Nick and my mother. They were traveling to a birthday party, and on the way they were fired upon. Thank God they are alive, but they are in terrible shock. My mother Olga Lobodyuk and cousin Diana Lobodyuk were seriously injured. The bullet hit my mother in the jaw. My cousin Diana had a lot of glass shards in her eyes and face, thank God she is now at home in a stable condition and is gradually recovering. My mother is still in the hospital, her condition is stable. She has had one surgery but faces a second surgery and a long road to recovery. Doctors say that it was a miracle that she survived; if the bullet had hit her an inch to the side, she could have died,” wrote the victim’s daughter, Yulia Tishkov.

According to her, “it is not known for what reason their car became the target of fire”.

“According to the police, she was confused with another similar car,” the woman wrote.

The anti-gang police department continues to investigate the circumstances of the shooting. All witnesses who have not yet spoken to the police are asked to call: 503-823-3333.

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