Bacteria and toxic chemical: dangerous sanitizers are recalled in the USA - ForumDaily
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Bacteria and Toxic Chemical: US Recalls Hazardous Sanitizers

Two US companies are recalling hand sanitizers because they may contain toxic chemicals or bacteria, according to FDA notices. More details about the reviews told the publication Silive.

Photo: Shutterstock

These products are for topical use when soap and water are not available. Sanitizers are designed to cleanse the skin of the hands of bacteria that cause all sorts of diseases. According to the FDA, people should contact their doctor or healthcare provider if they experience any concerns that may be associated with the use of these recalled hand sanitizers.

class="p1">Durisan Review

Sanit Technologies LLC announced an expanded recall of its Durisan alcohol-free hand sanitizers, which were contaminated with a common bacteria carried from city water supplies, Burkholderia contaminans.

Results from using hand sanitizer contaminated with these bacteria, which are generally considered low-virulent (slow-growing), can range from no reaction to possible infections in a person with a wound or scratch on the hand because the bacteria can enter the bloodstream—especially in people with weakened immune system.

To date, there have been no reported adverse reactions associated with this recall, the FDA notice says.

The products were packaged in containers of different sizes: from pharmacy bottles of 18 ml to bottles with a capacity of 118, 236, 300 and 550 ml, as well as wall-mounted dispensers of 1000 ml.

You can go to referencee for a complete list of revoked batch numbers.

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Consumers of these products are advised to contact Durisan. Those with questions about the recall can contact Durisan at 941-351-9114 or by email [email protected].

class="p1">Dibar review

Dibar Nutricional LLC is recalling all packages of Dibar Labs hand sanitizer in 8 (235 ml) oz and 16 oz (470 ml) bottles, ProtectoRx in 2 (60 ml) and 16 (470 ml) oz bottles, Advance Hand Sanitizer - in 16 oz (470 ml) bottles.

The products are being recalled after tests showed the presence of methanol, a toxic chemical.

Significant exposure to methanol can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision, permanent blindness, seizures, coma, permanent damage to the nervous system, even death. While people using these hand products are at potential risk, young children who accidentally swallow such hand sanitizers and adolescents and adults using these products as an alcohol (ethanol) substitute are at greatest risk of methanol poisoning.

The company has not received any reports of adverse reactions related to this recall to date, according to the FDA.

Go to linkto see all the batch numbers that were reviewed.

Consumers should stop using disinfectants and return them to the place where they purchased them. Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Dibar at 443-314-5369 or by email [email protected].

class="p1">Other reviews

Several hand sanitizers have been recalled since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this month, the FDA announced a recall by Global Sanitizers, which recalled 50 units of hand sanitizers with batch numbers E000 and E212020 because they may contain methanol.

To date, Global Sanitizers has not received any reports of side effects associated with this recall. Medical hand sanitizer is packaged in 250 ml clear vials with caps.

They were distributed throughout the country between July and August 2020.

Consumers with questions about the recall can call Global Sanitizers at 702-323-4402 or email [email protected]. Consumers should contact their doctor or health care provider if they have any problems that may be related to the use of this drug, the FDA said.

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A recent study by an independent pharmacy and laboratory analyzed over 260 brands of hand sanitizers and found that 44 of them contain benzene, a toxic chemical that causes cancer in humans.

As a result of the investigation, Valisure has filed a petition with the FDA urging the agency to withdraw products containing unacceptable levels of benzene, conduct its own investigation, and revise its recommendations for hand sanitizer.

During the pandemic, when hand sanitizers were needed and in short supply, the FDA relaxed its restrictions on benzene, allowing concentrations of up to two parts per million in liquid hand sanitizers.

But Valisure found that 21 products exceeded this intermediate limit, with 23 products containing between 0,1 and 2 ppm benzene. The study found that one product made by ArtNaturals hand sanitizer contained 16,1 ppm of the chemical, eight times the legal limit.

The study found no benzene in the leading brand of Purell hand sanitizer.

Go to linkto view a complete list of products that contain traces of benzene.

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