Bikers allocated money for children's Christmas trees in Russia. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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Bikers allocated money for children's Christmas trees in Russia. VIDEO

Motoclub "Night Wolves" received a presidential grant in the amount of 9 million rubles (150 thousand dollars) for the organization of Christmas trees.

“The action recreates the atmosphere of a Russian folk tale ... The fairy-tale, and therefore understandable to children, manner is taught the historical and spiritual heritage of the Russian people, today's problems of Russia,” says the description of the motor club project.

"Night wolves" were among the winners of the third stage of the competition for the distribution of presidential grants among NGOs.

Grants were also received by the Memorial International Historical and Educational Society. He was allocated three million rubles for an educational project, in which adolescents conduct historical research on the topic “Man in History. Russia - the twentieth century.

At the second stage of the distribution of presidential grants for NPOs, the results of which were announced in October, 12 million rubles (200 thousand dollars) were allocated to Nightwolves to create a Patriot center on Gasfort Mountain in Sevastopol.

In the spring of 2015, Alexey Navalny published data according to which “Night Wolves” and related organizations received 2013 million rubles (2014 thousands of dollars) in the form of grants in 56 – 934 years.

The leader of the bike club Alexander "Surgeon" Zaldostanov, noting that he has nothing to hide, confirmed the data Navalny. "And if we talk about the amounts, then I will say frankly - they do not allocate enough, more is needed," said the biker.

Among other things, the motorcycle club in 2014 received a grant to organize Christmas trees, the amount of which also amounted to 9 million rubles (150 thousand dollars).

Christmas trees can look like this:

The leader of the Night Wolves motor club, Alexander Zaldostanov, joined the anti-Maidan social movement, which should help to cope with the threat of the “color revolution” and anti-state protests in Russia.

surgeon At home Night Wolves motoclub grant christmas tree
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