Trump and Biden won the primaries: what next - ForumDaily
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Trump and Biden won the primaries: what's next

Donald Trump on March 12 collected the required number of delegate votes in the primaries to receive the presidential nomination from the Republican Party. On the same day, current US President Joe Biden also secured the nomination from the Democratic Party, reports CNN.

Coins with Donald Trump and Joseph Biden


Tramp On March 12, he won the primaries in Georgia, Mississippi, Washington and Hawaii, and Biden - in Georgia, Mississippi and Washington.

Thus, Trump received 1 electoral votes (247 needed for nomination) and Biden received 1 (215 needed for nomination).

In a post on X, Biden noted his status as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

“Today is a call to action,” says Biden behind the scenes in her new campaign video. “Use your power—your voice—and let’s vote in record numbers in November.” We can do this, we have the strength to do this. You are ready? Are you ready to defend democracy? Are you ready to defend our freedom? Are you ready to win this election?”

Staff Trump also published a video on X about winning the primaries.

“It was a day of great victory. Something special happened last week - Super Tuesday. But now we have to get back to work because we have the worst president in the history of the country. His name is Joe Biden. Sometimes called Crooked Joe Biden, he must be defeated,” Trump says in the video.

What will happen next

Nomination conventions

Winning the primaries does not mean winning the party's presidential nomination. Political parties must hold national conventions to formally select and nominate candidates for president and vice president. Of course, this is a formality, but it is important in the process of electing the US President.

At the convention, the presidential candidate officially announces who will run with him for the post of vice president.

The 2024 Republican National Convention will take place July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago, Illinois from August 19 to 22, 2024.


On March 8, Donald Trump promised to enter into a debate with US President Joe Biden "anytime, anywhere"».

“It depends on his behavior,” Biden said in response to Trump’s invitation. Biden has not ruled out the possibility of holding a debate with Trump before the November 5 presidential election.

In years when there is a presidential election in the United States, the Commission on Presidential Debates typically organizes and conducts three rounds of debates. The nonprofit organization was founded in 1987 and has sponsored every general election for president and vice president since then.

The organization determines the rules for each debate and selects the locations, dates, and moderators for the events.

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The Commission on Presidential Debates has set a schedule for three presidential debates in 2024. They will be held on campuses in Texas, Virginia and Utah from September 16 to October 9, 2024. There is also one vice presidential debate scheduled to take place in Pennsylvania.

Trump said he is willing to participate in “at least 10 rounds of debate,” even if the debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. He and his fellow Republicans have opposed the Commission on Presidential Debates for years.

“They are completely corrupt and terrible. But I am ready to hold 20 rounds of debate, even if it is organized by them. “I’m ready to have as many debates as they want,” Trump said. “I could debate this guy every night.” By “this guy,” Trump meant Biden.

Presidential elections

The 2024 US presidential election will take place on Tuesday, November 5th. The president is elected for four years. He will take up his duties in January 2025 after his inauguration.

Presidential elections in America are indirect. This means that each state is awarded a certain number of electors based on the population of the region. For example, California has the most of them - 55, and Wyoming and several other states have the minimum number - 3. In total - 538 electors, they make up the Electoral College, which chooses the president. To win, a candidate must receive at least 270 electoral votes.

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On Election Day, when voters check the box next to one of the presidential candidates, they are essentially advising the electors on who to vote for. Electors in many states have the right to disobey this advice and vote as they see fit, although this is rare. Moreover, the candidate who wins the direct vote takes 100% of the electoral votes. That is, if one candidate received 51% of the direct popular vote in California, he would receive all 55 electoral votes.

The winner of a presidential election is determined by the number of electoral votes, not the popular vote. This, in fact, was clearly demonstrated by the 2016 elections, when Clinton received a majority of popular votes (three million more than her opponent), but Trump, who received more electoral votes, became president.

This complex scheme is used in the United States to take into account the interests of sparsely populated states.

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