Both laughter and sin: the strangest crime stories of 2020 - ForumDaily
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Both laughter and sin: the strangest crime stories of 2020

There are crimes that get more attention than others. And 2020 was filled with them, despite the fact that the pandemic kept people at home most of the time. Fox News.

Photo: Shutterstock

Here are the five weirdest crime stories of 2020.

Crazy highway U-turn

You have to see it to believe it.

A truck driver in the United Kingdom was jailed for six months and prevented from driving for over a year after being filmed making a daring U-turn in January.

The footage released by the Staffordshire police shows a truck pulling down the wrong lane on the highway and then pulling out into an oncoming lane filled with traffic.

“Imagine this in the morning as you drive to work,” police officials wrote. “Fortunately, no one was hurt.”

The buyer helped the police catch the suspect

In February, a Georgia man was praised for helping police arrest a suspected shoplifter in a Walmart parking lot.

A video released by the Peachtree City Police Department showed that the man reacted quickly when a fleeing suspect rushed past him and stuck a grocery cart in his way.

The suspect tripped over an obstacle and was detained by police officers. The footage shows one officer patting a benefactor on the shoulder while others help collect items that have fallen from his cart.

The suspect was eventually charged with shoplifting and obstructing police, and Peachtree City law enforcement posted a warning to the public on Facebook: “While we are forever grateful to this citizen for his savvy and impeccable timing, we would never call anyone out.” intervene in a police situation."

Grim opening in the freezer

A Pennsylvania woman was arrested in May after holding her dead grandmother in the freezer for 15 years so the family could continue to receive her Social Security checks.

Grandmother, Glenorah Record Delahey, died in March 2004 in Ardmore, northwest of Philadelphia, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. She was 97 years old.

The granddaughter, 61-year-old Cynthia Caroline Black, told police that she kept Glenorah's corpse because the family needed money.

Police found the remains inside a home in Warrington in 2019, and Black was charged with abuse, theft through illegal seizure of property.

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New inhabitant in the store's aquarium

A Louisiana man was arrested in June after being seen floating in an aquarium at Bass Pro Shops.

It turns out KSLA reported that Kevin Wise's swimming among the fish was part of a trick for TikTok.

“I said if I get 2000 likes, I’ll jump into a fish tank,” Wise admitted. “There were a lot more of them, and I didn’t want to be a liar.”

Bossier City police took the 26-year-old man into custody after he returned to the store and charged him with property damage.

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Woman smashed hundreds of bottles of liquor in a supermarket

In November, a video captured a woman smashing bottles of wine and spirits at an Aldi supermarket in the UK.

Local reports say about 500 bottles of alcohol were damaged, resulting in approximately $ 130 in damage.

The woman reportedly slipped and fell on the broken glass. She was arrested and taken to hospital for treatment of her hand injury.

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