Notes by author Asya Nikolaeva

Studying Motion Picture at Assade of Art University, San Francisco

10 seats in San Francisco where spring has come

Spring in San Francisco is a permanent state of mind. Although there is an opinion that people are generally divided into two psychotypes - those for whom autumn is in the Federation Council all year round, and those for whom spring is all year round. Winter and summer are very conditional ...

Emigrant Diary: Europe VS San Francisco

Eastern Europe for me is a collective image, its edges stretch from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, across the Dnieper and the Moscow River, and Russian is spoken and understood everywhere. In order to define my new feelings and attachments in America and...

Personal Experience: Love and Hate for San Francisco

After my first childhood love with my native Kharkov, my head was instantly turned by the handsome Kiev, he knows how! Everything in him was spinning, sparkling, songs were shouting, films were being shot, champagne was drunk, sessions were giving up on their own. The ecstatic Kiev dizziness led me to tender Riga. ...

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