Written by Alla Roylans

Librarian of the Brooklyn Public Library, curator of Russian literary programs.

New "Fahrenheit 451"

“If evil was to be stopped, all the books would be taken away and burned.” Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit” First, the INION library burned down, five and a half million volumes were destroyed, many of them unique, unrecoverable, non-digitized, lost forever. Then Ekaterina Yuryevna Genieva, an example of an intellectual librarian, a professional librarian, dies...

Personal experience: work as a librarian

I never dreamed of becoming a librarian, but I accidentally became and accidentally stayed in this profession, which I sometimes regret, but more often than not, I still don't. The pay is not that generous, but enough for life, and it is never boring. So…

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