Author's notes Ksenia Kirillova

journalist ForumDaily

5 features of the American mentality to which you will need to get used

Communication with Americans is an inevitable stage in the socialization of everyone who happens to be in the United States. Even if you came just as a tourist, you can only feel the real taste of America when you start interacting with the locals. I will make a reservation right away that it is extremely important to understand the phenomenon of the "American mentality" ...

What limitations can be encountered when obtaining political asylum in the United States

Obtaining political asylum in the United States is a long and laborious process. ForumDaily previously told who and under what conditions can count on it, and described the entire procedure in detail. At the same time, a person who has applied for political asylum in the United States faces...

Four types of immigrants

The recent bans on the entry into the country of certain categories of emigrants, which even some legal holders of green cards fell under, gave rise to a discussion in the US information space about the advisability of accepting foreigners as such. Of course, it is quite amusing to observe such disputes in the country of emigrants ...

Trump's victory: how the scandal lost to conspiracy

The victory of US Republican candidate Donald Trump in the US presidential election did not come as a surprise to me, but, like many, gave rise to a sense of anxiety about the steps of the future president. However, Trump's foreign and domestic policies are still very predictable ...

Are the USA and Europe starting to wake up?

Has the attitude of Europe and the United States towards Russia changed in the light of recent international events? Analyzing the reports of the American and European press and statements of officials, one can come to the conclusion that Vladimir Putin has crossed another “red line”, beyond which new ones may await him ...

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