Records of the author Dariy Penionzhkevich

Russian doctor who moved to Texas

Tips experienced travelers: how to overcome jetlag

The ability to travel from one hemisphere to another in just a few hours is undoubtedly an amazing technological advance. However, this achievement also gave rise to a phenomenon called jet lag syndrome, which was previously unknown to travelers who traveled to distant lands by train ...

From the first person. How the US cares about the health of its citizens

In many ways, the United States is the world leader in health innovation and research. 18 of the last 25 Nobel Prize winners in medicine are either American citizens or scientists from other countries working in the United States. Half of all new drugs...

Personal experience: a Russian doctor about pregnancy and childbirth in the United States

Daria Penionzhkevich moved from the Moscow region to Texas two years ago. At home, the woman worked as a doctor. Daria, by her own example, talked about how she gave birth to her second child in the United States. Good news and search for a doctor A year after my emigration to ...

Personal experience: Russian woman on the work of children's doctors in the United States

Russian woman Daria Penionzhkevich moved to Texas from the Moscow region. In the first person, a mother of two children tells the Our Texas website about the work of children's doctors in the USA. “I realized as soon as I arrived that the medical care of children in the USA and Russia is very different...

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