Apple will preinstall Russian programs on iPhone and iPad: what software are we talking about - ForumDaily
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Apple will pre-install Russian programs on iPhone and iPad: what software are we talking about

From April 1, Apple will begin pre-installing a number of Russian programs on its gadgets. How it will work and what programs will be installed, the publication said. 4PDA.

Photo: Shutterstock

The Preinstalled Software Law will take effect on April 1. According to this decree, some of the equipment will have to be sold in the Russian Federation along with a number of Russian applications. The rule applies to smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, computers and other gadgets.

The list is different for different gadgets. For example, Android phones must have at least 16 programs: from State Services to Channel One and Yandex services. In Russia, they said that this would help reduce the monopoly opportunities of foreign companies and allow the user to choose applications.

However, most likely, for overseas companies, manufacturers such as Apple, the requirements for the number of applications will be different, since problems arose from the very beginning of negotiations regarding the pre-installation. There were even rumors that the company was ready to leave the Russian market.

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What Apple agreed to

According to information available to the media, the first time you turn on an Apple gadget purchased in the Russian Federation, the user will see a dialog box in which he will be prompted to install applications from the list approved by the government by default. It will be possible to refuse the installation by unchecking the checkboxes in front of certain applications.

According to media reports, an Apple spokesman confirmed this information.

What programs will be offered

On December 31, 2020, the Russian government compiled a list of applications that must necessarily be on gadgets sold in the Russian Federation, writes Meduza.

For iOS, these are:

  • "Yandex browser"
  • Yandex
  • "Yandex maps"
  • Yandex.Disk
  • Mail
  • ICQ
  • Voice assistant "Marusya"
  • " News"
  • OK Live
  • "In contact with"
  • "Classmates"
  • "Gosuslugi"
  • "MyOffice Documents"

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Will there be problems

With apps, no. As a last resort, you will have to erase the preinstalled package. However, there is a nuance. It is not yet clear who will start installing the software, but someone will have to do it. Most likely, distributors will take over the task. That is, the boxes with iPhones will have to be opened, the software loaded and packed back - not the fastest procedure, which will significantly complicate the supply chain. Therefore, it is quite possible that the cost of the iPhone could rise.

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