Antibiotics will soon become useless: superbugs threaten the world - ForumDaily
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Antibiotics will soon become useless: superbugs threaten the world

British scientists said that antibiotics could soon become useless, as bacteria would be invulnerable to them. Writes about this with the BBC.

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In Britain over the past decade, 19 has discovered new genetic mechanisms that make bacteria invulnerable to antibiotics. The British government health agency Public Health England (PHE) writes about incurable gonorrhea and staphillococcus.

The agency fears that antibiotics may soon be completely useless. To do this, the number of resistant bacteria in the environment must exceed a certain level. One of the main tasks of healthcare today is to prevent the spread of “superbugs” with resistance to antibiotics, doctors say.

1300 samples of such bacteria were selected at PHE, including pathogens of gonorrhea, staphylococcus, inflammation of the genitourinary tract, kidneys and intestines. All of them are drug resistant.

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Moreover, most of the detected bacteria show resistance to the so-called “last reserve” antibiotics - carbapenems and colistin. These medications are used only in the most severe cases.

“Bacteria acquire new mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics by assimilating parts of the DNA of other bacteria,” PHE explains. In addition, bacteria can gain resistance through mutations.

What might be the consequences?

The discovery of 19 of new genetic mechanisms does not mean that 19 of new, incurable antibiotic diseases has appeared in Britain. There may be many more. So, over the past five years, 32 species of bacteria resistant to all antibiotics tested on them has been discovered in the Public Health England laboratory.

The consequences of the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria can be catastrophic, the organization says. Without effective antibiotics, even simple surgery will be associated with the risk of infection - the patient's recovery will take longer, and there will be more deaths.

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Health organizations have long been alarmed by the advent of super bacteria. According to statistics, today about 700 thousand people die from diseases caused by resistant bacteria every year. By the 2050 year, according to medical forecasts, the number of victims of such diseases will reach 10 million people.

At the beginning of the year in Davos, the British Minister of Health presented a plan to deal with this problem. It is associated with reduced antibiotic intake.

The government's plan is to reduce the use of antibiotics for treating animals by 25% by 2020 year (compared to the level of 2016 year).

Apparently, this method works. In August of 2019, the Betsy Cadwaladr University Hospital in Britain announced that the number of diseases caused by superbugs had dropped by 12,6% per annum after antibiotics were less often prescribed.

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