Heat wave in the USA: a guy from Phoenix fried burgers on the dashboard of a car - ForumDaily
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Abnormal heat in the USA: the guy from Phoenix fried burgers on the panel of the car

This week's historic heatwave in the West is forecast to move east as Phoenix, Las Vegas and Denver join the slew of cities with record temperatures. USA Today.

Photo: Shutterstock

Southerly winds will blow hot and humid air over two-thirds of the eastern part of the country until June 15, according to WeatherBug forecaster. Result: Temperatures fluctuate up to 7 degrees above normal for this time of year.

Weekend temperatures in California's Death Valley soared above 48 degrees, and in Phoenix, a man fried hamburgers and baked a pie on the dashboard. Parts of Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana and Mississippi also had heat warnings over the weekend.

@thejoebrown Reply to @_boxxx_ these burgers were AMAZING!! ? #burger #yummy ♬ original sound — ??? ?????

This is due to the northward propagation of warm air in the jet stream. It rolled over the southwestern states this week, allowing air more typical of midsummer to spread across the region. AccuWeather warned that "severe and intense heat waves" are expected for much of the country this week as the jet stream rises north.

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"A large heat dome will cover wider areas over the central states, the Midwest and the Southeast over the next few days," AccuWeather senior meteorologist Dan Pidynowski said.

Cities from Chicago and St. Louis to Charlotte and Raleigh, N.C. could experience record temperatures and highs this week, according to AccuWeather. In Wichita, Kansas, on June 13, the temperature will approach 38 degrees. Chicago and Indianapolis will see peak highs on June 14th.

“As heat and humidity increase on June 13, a complex of severe storms could move through northern Illinois,” the National Weather Service in Chicago said. “Dangerous heat and humidity will follow on June 14 and 15.”

The weather service in Nashville, Tennessee, warned of temperatures approaching 40 degrees later this week.

The overall weather pattern remained largely unchanged for more than a week, allowing the central United States and the desert southwest to warm up. Denver reached 38 degrees on June 11th. Temperatures in excess of 38 degrees also moved through parts of New Mexico and Texas.

AccuWeather forecasters warn that the extreme heat wave that has gripped much of Lone Star State is far from over. And as it expands into the Plains, there are periods of dangerous weather.

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The Pittsburgh Weather Service warned that storms could spread across western Pennsylvania along with intense heat: "If you don't like the heat, well... just 192 days to wait until Day 1 of Winter."

In California, thousands of residents headed to the beach.

“Really just to get out of the heat,” said San Bernardino resident Christine Ramirez in Newport Beach. “We just wanted to have a family day, so we all just went out, parked early and stayed there all day.”

At least today's heat, which has hit Death Valley, does not threaten the all-time record of 56.6 degrees on July 10, 1913.

In Arizona, meteorologists have warned of a high heat risk through June 13 as highs hit 56 degrees.

Residents have been warned to limit outdoor activities. In Phoenix, Joe Brown's TikToker thermometer showed a temperature of 90 degrees inside his car.

“The buns were well done, and that's why I love my burgers, so I know they're going to be good,” Brown said, picking them up from a tray on the car's dashboard. -If you're ever too lazy to cook on the stove, just cook in the car. This burger was definitely a 10 out of 10.”

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